BLabs x Community Update // January 12th, 2022

Hello everyone!
We had a great call today on Discord, presenting the Q1 Roadmap to the community. All teams here at BLabs are busy embarking on the roadmap. We’re very excited for 2022 and especially for our deliverables for Q1.

Product Development

  • All teams have embarked on their initial projects for the quarter
  • Boosted Pools have reached $50mm in TVL

Sidechains & L2s


Olympus DAO is voting was passed and a pool was launched. Olympus will be deploying capital to the pool soon. The team is brainstorming with the OlympusDAO community members and contributors for deeper collaborations.


Focusing on ETH Denver events, speaker submissions and coordinations.

subDAO formation proposal was submitted and is moving towards a vote.

BLabs Open Positions