Aura Delegate Thread

[BIP-353] Grant Permissions for Composable Stable Pool Factory v5

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: The new pool factory addresses the issue reported by a white hat, requiring many CSPv4 pools to be put in recovery mode. This proposal asks for permission to start running the new factory.

[BIP-354] Enable ETHx / bb-a-wETH Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal aims to add an uncapped gauge for ETHx/bb-a-wETH on Ethereum, as a core pool.

ETHx is a yield-bearing token, and this pool will be the primary liquidity for it.

[BIP-355] Enable R/sDAI<>DAI Boosted Pool Gauge on Ethereum

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal aims to replace the current R/DAI pool with the yield-bearing version (sDAI), as this version improves the LP returns.

[BIP-356] Kill Affected CSP and Weighted Pool Gauges

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This begins the migration process to the new pools. These were selected for “killing” as they will not be migrated.

[BIP-357] Enable GHO/LUSD Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal asks for a gauge for the GHO/LUSD composable stable pool to enable liquidity for the upcoming GHO stablecoin. Balancer will benefit from the trading volume in this pool.

[BIP-358] Enable GHO/wstETH Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal is for a wstETH/GHO pool, which will be an 80wstETH-20GHO Weighted Pool. This gauge is uncapped and would enter as a “core pool” under BIP-19. One of Balancer’s near-term strategic objectives is to attract more yield-bearing liquidity and more GHO liquidity pools to Balancer. This pool will provide resilience to the GHO peg and has the potential for inclusion in the Aave Safety Module.

[BIP-359] Enable GHO/OHM Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal is for a GHO/OHM pool. In a nutshell, this liquidity vault accepts third-party deposits of LSDs or stable coins and mints an equivalent amount of protocol-owned OHM against this as a counter asset. The OHM side of the LP does not accrue any rewards, so it cuts down the incentivization costs by half for partners.

[BIP-360] Enable GHO/bb-a-USD Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: It pairs the GHO with the yield-generating bb-a-USD, which provides a better yield for LPs.

[BIP-361] Enable GHO/MAI Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Abstain.

Rationale: We couldn’t fully assess the benefits, so we remained neutral, leaving this decision to the other voters.

[BIP-362] Restructure the Joint Balancer / Beethoven X Deployment on Optimism

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal asks for some changes in the current setup:

  • Core pool framework: Distributing the voting incentives taking into account the Fees, instead of TVL;
  • Adopting a modified version of Balancer’s protocol fee distribution

These actions can incentivize users to deposit on those pools, and it aligns with Aura deployment on OP.

[BIP-363] Enable alETH/wstETH and alETH/rETH Gauge [Arbitrum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Alchemix is expanding to Arbitrum and is testing liquidity options. As their Balancer pool at mainnet is successful, the chances are high that these will be their primary liquidity on Arbitrum.

[BIP-364] Enable TruMATIC / bb-a-wMATIC Gauge [Polygon]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal is for Trufin’s truMATIC token pool paired with bb-a-wMATIC. It asks for an uncapped gauge and a core pool denomination. It is a new LST token on Polygon, and this pool provides enhanced returns for the LPs.

[BIP-365] Migrate Affected Composable Stable Pools Wave 1

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This is the first wave of new pools to address the fee collector issue. These are all core pools and will retain the same labelling in the new version.

[BIP-366] Migrate Affected Composable Stable Pools Wave 2

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: The second wave of new pools to address the fee collector issue is presented in this proposal. The caps were copied from the old gauges, and this is the last wave that will enable the fee collection on all pools.

[BIP-367] Update addresses for emergency multisigs

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Multisign update as one team member will not be an FT contributor.

[BIP-368] Allocate Incentives towards Avalanche Launch

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: The proposal asks for 100k USD to incentivize the Arbitrum Launch, to be paired 1:1 by AvaLabs. It is a good initiative to quickstart a new deployment with incentives to bring new partners.

[BIP-369] Grant CSPv5 Swap Fee Permissions to Cowswap & 1inch Labs Solver

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal seeks grant Permission to the aggregators on the new stable pool factory.

[BIP-370] Reallocate bb-a-USD Protocol Fees to GHO/bb-a-USD Fees

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: A voting incentives reallocation to the newly created GHO/bb-a-USD to help increase liquidity in this pool.

[BIP-371] Adjust Protocol Fee Split

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This is a review of the current division, with the new values being:

L1 core pools & L2’s: 50% voting incentives, 32.5% passive veBAL fees, 17.5% treasury

L1 non-core pools: 82.5% passive veBAL fees, 17.5% treasury

It increases Aura’s addressable share, especially on L2 chains.

[BIP-372] Adopt SP Standards

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This is a collection of standards for Balancer Service Providers to adhere to. It includes a Code of Conduct and Accountability Guidelines. It is a good step for further transparency and better funds/budget management.

[BIP-373] Enable 80IDLE-20USDC Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal asks for a gauge for the Idle protocol-owned liquidity pool, 80IDLE-20USDC. It is an 80/20 pool with its governance token, IDLE and will incentivize the protocol.

[BIP-374] Enable DUSD/Boosted Aave v3 USD Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: DUSD is a stablecoin issued by the Davos protocol. This pool will be the primary liquidity source for DUSD on Ethereum, and it will be incentivized by the protocol.

[BIP-375] ankreth/(steth/Boosted Aave v3) Gauge [Arbitrum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal aims to deepen the Ankerth liquidity on Balancer and allow users to swap ankrETH on Arbitrum. The Pool will be incentivized by the protocol.

[[BIP-376] Enable 80RATE/20WETH Gauge Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Tai protocol issues the TAI stablecoin backed by LST and ETH. RATE is the governance token, and this pool is its primary liquidity source. The protocol stated that it would incentivize the pool.