[BIP-229] Fund Balancer Grants for Q2 2023
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate council is supportive of the work being carried out by the grants committee and applauds the grants allocated thus far. In addition, the increased price of the BAL token itself has meant that this request does not come at any cost to the DAO, which is great news. Finally, the Aura Delegates would like to thank Zekraken and Zen Dragon for their work in the grants committee and congratulate Burns on commencing a leadership position and welcome Steve0xp as a new addition.
[BIP-230] Fund the Balancer Maxis for Q2 2023
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council appreciated the detailed breakdown of funding and planned use of allocated BAL tokens and the 5 ETH for gas. The work done by the Maxis is excellent and is in the finest traditions of decentralization. The additional request for 1500 BAL for Dev bounties is well received and will provide much needed flexibility to the operational work carried out by the Maxis.
[BIP-231] Enable USDC-TNGBL 20-80 Gauge with a 2% Emission Cap [Polygon] [second vote]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: As per the Delegates comments in BIP 223. After further consideration, the vote has been changed to a YES.
[BIP-232] Enable ankrMATIC/MATIC Gauge [Polygon]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Delegates felt that the rationale for this proposal, as expressed in the BIP discussion, is sound and it is in the interests of the DAO to ensure there is only a limited opportunity cost for anyone who wishes to participate in these ANKR pools.
[BIP-233] Enable MaticX / bb-a-wMATIC Gauge [Polygon]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegates are supportive of this improved pool as the second largest pool on Polygon, it is important that it is generating the maximum benefit for its depositors.
[BIP-234] Enable stMATIC / bb-a-wMATIC Gauge [Polygon]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: As per BIP 233 noting this is the largest pool.
[BIP-235] Enable TEMPLE/DAI 50/50 Gauge with 10% emissions cap [Ethereum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council are supportive of this pool and note the ongoing good-will and shared vision, as expressed by Temple, for the future of the Balancer ecosystem.
[BIP-236] Enable WETH/3pool Gauge [Ethereum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council support the creation of this pool as an alternative to many of the other yield bearing pools for those who wish to deposit into an alternative structure without the potential yield risk.
[BIP-237] Enable USH - ETH 50/50 Gauge with 10% emission cap [Ethereum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council are excited to welcome the USH pool as ecosystem partners. Their efforts in the LSD space along with integrations with Stargate, are indicative of an intent to build and grow in the ecosystem.
[BIP-238] Enable wstETH/bb-a-wETH Gauge [Ethereum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council feels that this enhanced pool will drive better returns for the ecosystem overall.
[BIP-239] Enable bb-a-USD gauge [Ethereum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council noted that with USDT now listed on AAVE v3, it is good to see this pool once again added to the ecosystem.
[BIP-240] Enable rETH/bb-a-wETH Gauge [Arbitrum]
Vote: Yes
Rationale: The Aura Delegate Council are excited for the upcoming launch of Aura on Arbitrum and this pool is important in driving further LSD liquidity on L2s as the ETH staking ecosystem continues to evolve post Shanghai.
Vote: Yes
Rationale: This proposal will streamline the migration to v3 and is good for the ecosystem.