Aura Delegate Thread

[BIP-166] Whitelist the gauge for the StaFi rETH/ETH Pool to receive BAL emissions

Vote: Yes

Rationale: The LSD space continues to grow and Aura Finance supports the addition of these pools. Incentivisation of Liquidity in these types of pools is also likely to provide long term alignment between LSD focused products and the Balancer/Aura ecosystem.

[BIP-167] Fast Track Execution of BIP 159 & 160

Vote: Yes

Rationale: Having an approach that enables certain BIP to be fast tracked provides the necessary flexibility required for the best possible outcomes moving forward.

[BIP-168] Enable DOLA/CUSD Gauge on Ethereum

Vote: Yes

Rationale: This is a stable coin focused gauge and has the potential to generate significant trade volume. This is likely to be a positive for the ecosystem.

[BIP-169] Execute the Transition Migrator

Vote: Yes

Rationale: After some initial discussions regarding the execution of this BIP, Aura Finance is very comfortable with the approach being taken.