Hi there
Thanks a lot for posting this SP proposal. Great to see Defiant here. After reading through the specifics, I personally have the feeling that this proposal is rather generic and doesn’t mention anything tangible on how you will create impact for Balancer apart from marketing metrics. Our protocol is rather diverse and Balancer technology is not easy to grasp. Actually, it would be great to have more in-depth content on how to use and interact with Balancer, what can be done etc.
I want to leave here some general remarks why I am not really excited about this proposal:
- We already have recently funded a talented and motivated team working on promoting Balancer
- We are fully focused on v3 and all our efforts should be put there. I am not sure another marketing team push is needed
- $40’000 is rather steep and I would like to see those funds used elsewhere, like on improving partner onboarding, multi-sig operations, impact on v3 etc.
Below some further questions/remarks:
How would that look like specifically? We already have really great Medium articles and our marketing team is working on many collaterals focusing on v3. How would you address timing of the transition from Balancer v2 to v3?
From a GRC perspective I am not sure we can engange in something like this.
Are you familiar with our current marketing setup? Would this even make sense and align with our running marketing strategy (@naly, @JediRasta26 )?
Curious what others think.