Introduce ChildChainGaugeTokenAdder
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It’s important to get gauges working on other chains in a safe and secure manner.
Send back 3CRV stuck to Stake Dao Multisig Address
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Clear answer. We should support StakeDAO in recovering their tokens.
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No risk to us and it builds a good relationship with Tribe. This migration supports them greatly.
Allocate BAL to a Ribbon Finance Vault
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It is quite a big risk for such a small reward. For 12% of our treasury, we should consider the worst-case scenario and that is losing over $4m which is a large sum. We could reconsider using 5% of the treasury, lower reward but less exposure.
I think it is great to explore different opportunities like these but the risk is too much and we can explore safer options. For future situations, it would be good to see more simulations using a variety of balances and outcomes so we have various outlooks.