OpCo Product Team - Oct 2024 Update

A summary of design & development activity and KPIs for the OpCo product team in October 2024.


In October we switched over to a monorepo for our development on the v3 app. This gives our team greater flexibility for future development of apps and libraries that we can work on to support the Balancer ecosystem.

Our primary focus was on v3 support. We have added support for adding and removing liquidity from weighted and stable pools. Also, we now have support for swaps through v3 pools in the swap UI and a pool page swap UI which allows the user to explicitly swap through a pool’s tokens. Note that these features are currently limited to the staging app and Sepolia.

Aside from the v3 development we also have a workstream focussed on migrating veBAL features into the new app. We currently rely on the v2 app for veBAL functionality. In October, we have migrated cross-chain syncing and lock actions.

In addition to work on the Zen UI, we have continued maintenance and deprecation work on the v2 app.

For a more detailed breakdown of work done in October, you can browse our merged PRs here.


Below is a high-level list of design activity in October:

  • UI/UX design
    • v3 marketing page
      • Design the pages and creating content for the v3 launch
      • Experimentation with Rive for animation of diagrams
    • Finalizing designs for v3 smart contracts launch
      • e.g. Boosted pools, Nested pools, direct pool swaps, Pool detail page, Hooks.
    • Legacy claims experience on the new zen app
      • Provide a pathway for users who would otherwise lose access to unclaimed incentives from deprecated claim systems.
    • Dynamic swap fees
      • Accounting for hook affected dynamic swap fees
  • Frontend development for web app
    • Improving the visual clarity of yield popovers to establish better hierarchy between headings and sub-items.
    • UI tweaks to direct token swaps through specific pools.


KPIs will be reported again once we have fully transitioned to the new app and have the appropriate data in place. Our focus on v3 is taking priority over configuring our error reporting analytics. Note that this limitation is just about cleaning the error data we have coming in so that we can present meaningful KPIs.

We have started receiving NPS scores and they are looking very promising (76 for Oct), but until we start directing all traffic from the old app to the new app and have at least 3 months worth of data this score can be misleading. We also have an issue where our new UI component library blocks users from providing written feedback in the widget, this needs to be investigated and an alternative solution put in place when we have the capacity.

Regarding the error-free transaction flow rate that we reported for the v2 app, we are still working on our Sentry error-tracking integration to clean up the data so that the number we report is accurate and relatable to the previously reported figures.

An intermediate transaction flow KPI is the ratio of transactions triggered vs successful that we track via our analytics events. For October we had:

  • 35,300 transaction triggered events
  • 33,561 successful transaction events

That gives us a 95.1% transaction submission success rate.