OpCo Product Team - Sept 2024 Update

A summary of design & development activity and KPIs for the OpCo product team in September 2024.


September was a month of fixes, small improvements and prep work for the two larger projects that will be continued in October. The priority has been to get the UI ready for adding liquidity to v3 pools. This requires permit2 support for approvals which has been completed. The second priority is to get all the functionality ready for migrating veBAL support to the new UI. In September this involved migrating the veBAL management and cross-chain syncing functionality.

For a more detailed breakdown of work done in September, you can browse our merged PRs here.


Below is a high-level list of design activity in September:

  • UI/UX design
    • UX for veBAL experience
      • veBAL management (Lock, Extend Lock, Expired to Unlock or Extend)
      • veBAL voting, with an emphasis on displaying 3rd party voting incentives from Hidden Hand and others.
      • Cross-chain sync
    • Improved yield sparkles icon system
      • Distinguishes between pools with incentives, versus pools with other non-incentivized yield types, versus pools which only get swap fees.
    • Partner promos
      • New designs to permanently promote protocols like CoW, Gyroscope and Xave on the pools list page.
    • UX to support v3 pools launch
      • Permit2 steps approval flow
      • Distinguishing v2 / v3 / CoW pools
      • Pool details page
      • Hooks
      • Direct pool swaps
      • Boosted pools
      • Nested pools containing Boosted pools.
  • Frontend development for web app
    • Built Hookathon promo banner
    • Built CoW Galxe quest promo banner
    • Set up the new sparkles icon system for showing yield.
    • Fix tooltips to display on mobile on tap.


KPIs will be reported again once we have fully transitioned to the new app and have the appropriate data in place.

We have started receiving NPS scores and they are looking very promising (66 for Sept), but until we start directing all traffic from the old app to the new app and have at least 3 months worth of data this score can be misleading. We also have an issue where our new UI component library blocks users from providing written feedback in the widget, this needs to be investigated and an alternative solution put in place when we have the capacity.

Regarding the error-free transaction flow rate that we reported for the v2 app, we are still working on our Sentry error-tracking integration to clean up the data so that the number we report is accurate and relatable to the previously reported figures.

An intermediate transaction flow KPI is the ratio of transactions triggered vs successful that we track via our analytics events. For September we had:

  • 25,153 transaction triggered events
  • 23,677 successful transaction events

That gives us a 94.1% transaction submission success rate.

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