OpCo Product Team - March 2024 Update

A summary of design & development activity and KPIs for the OpCo product team in March 2024.


As in February, our focus in March has been on progressing the development of the v3 app so that a beta release is possible in April. That is, to have:

  • A network-agnostic pool explorer.
  • A pool detail page.
  • Core pool actions (add/remove/stake/unstake) for standard (weighted/stable/composable stable) v2 pools.
  • A swap UI for v2 swaps.
  • A portfolio page with per pool and per network claim all actions.

The core functionality of this work has been completed. We are now working through edge cases and UI/UX design implementation. Note that this target does not include support for testnet v3 pools in the beta release, however, because of the frontend/API/SDK architecture v3 support should be trivial and will be worked on alongside our current work.

This is essentially the same update as in February, the main difference in March being that we switched much of our focus to design and UX work. Bringing the app closer to the intended v3 look and feel designed by Pon.

We have also continued to maintain v2 and support changes there where required. For example, we added some branding and informational content for pools that accrue ‘Points’ for LPs via partner protocols.

Summary of team focus areas:

  • Gareth - v3 Swap UI, general v3 design polish, code review, v2 maintenance & OpCo admin
  • Anastas - v3 Portfolio
  • Alberto - v3 add & remove liquidity flows, error handling & testing
  • Ansaf - v3 Pool page, design detail implementation


Below is a high-level list of design activity in March:

  • UX/UI design & Copywriting for V3 app
    • Finalization of pool detail page, including refined claims section
    • Recent transactions popover
    • Refined success screens for core actions, like Add Liquidity
    • Risks page
    • Fine tuning the UI details across the board based on feedback
    • Providing support to front-end team when edges or new issues arise
  • Front-end development UI tweaks
    • Mobile optimized components and screens
    • Better aligning the frontend to the Figma styles
  • UX design for the V3 marketing webpages
    • Information Architecture
    • Wireframes
  • Further development of branded graphics
    • For use in social media, blog posts and marketing website


= 1 - (‘fatal’ errors / total successful txs)

Where ‘fatal’ is a label applied to errors recorded in a transaction flow, and total successful txs are recorded via analytics events.


  • Ad blockers prevent error recording and analytics.
  • Some % errors are user/wallet-controlled errors we haven’t excluded yet.
  • Total fatal errors: ~5,893 (prev. 4,644)
  • Total successful txs: ~93,470 (prev. 81,498)

This KPI has dropped slightly since last reported in February at 94.3%. We have not done any work to fix issues in v2 in February so this can only be attributed to changed network or user conditions.

Note that our primary focus is on the v3 app development. When critical errors come up that can be fixed we will do this ASAP. The errors we are seeing that prevent us from reaching 100% error-free rate are often non-trivial to replicate and fix.

Avg. time on site (30d): 1:52 (-0.09s)

Note, that the Average Time on Site metric can be influenced by market conditions. For instance, we observe an increase in time spent on the site when the market is on the rise.

Taken from this article about what makes a good NPS score: “If your NPS is higher than 30, that would indicate that your company is doing great and has far more happy customers than unhappy ones.”.

As can be seen in the general trend chart above, the NPS score has remained fairly constant at around the 50-60 level. We actually see a negative pressure on the score as gas prices increase. Users start to complain about the prices and give lower ratings.