OpCo Product Team - June 2024 Update

A summary of design & development activity and KPIs for the OpCo product team in June 2024.


For the first half of June, we focussed primarily on our Zen beta program which is currently ongoing in Discord. The amount and quality of feedback we have received throughout the program has been amazing. We have tried to address every bug and improvement that was brought up by the community as quickly as possible.

In mid-June, Alberto and myself were on holiday which reduced our capacity significantly.

Finally, towards the end of June, we had to switch our focus away from the beta program and towards some required features before we can launch the new UI. This was initially focussed on CoWAMM support however that launch got delayed. The next focus was on deeper Aura integration throughout the app, e.g. showing Aura positions in the portfolio page.

Some more significant changes/improvements to the app were:

  • Mobile navbar
  • Support for partner-branded pool pages
  • Non-preferential gauge migration flow
  • Instant portfolio position updates
  • CoW pool page theme
  • User tx activity on pool pages
  • Analytics integration
  • Enabled Mode & Fractal

In addition, there were many more incremental enhancements and fixes.

We have also continued to maintain v2 and support changes there where required.


Below is a high-level list of design activity in June:

  • UX/UI and copywriting for v3 app
    • Making the app more Aura aware: New Aura tab within ‘My Liquidity’ module to display the user’s balances from Aura. Also displaying Aura staked balances in ‘My Portfolio’.
    • Rate providers: Displaying how rate provider information should be displayed on the pool detail page.
    • Batching gas transactions for smart accounts: First-round design
    • 3rd party link modal designs, for when a user hits a link to go to a third-party protocol, like Aura or CoW.
    • Portfolio refresh button: It takes some time for transactions to display in the Portfolio after a user has completed an add/remove transaction.
    • LBP APR tooltip
    • Exploration on how to communicate that the user has no or low native gas token (e.g. using SmolRefuel)
  • Frontend development for v3 app
    • Tabs: Added an animation between tab states
    • Pool filters: Improved the UI and added entry animations
  • Marketing website:
    • Finalising wireframes
    • Fine-tuning Copywriting
    • Development of visual designs and graphical assets
    • Start on frontend development of marketing pages (homepage and a v3 page)


= 1 - (‘fatal’ errors / total successful txs)

Where ‘fatal’ is a label applied to errors recorded in a transaction flow, and total successful txs are recorded via analytics events.


  • Ad blockers prevent error recording and analytics.
  • Some % errors are user/wallet-controlled errors we haven’t excluded yet.
  • Total fatal errors: ~5,111 (prev. 6,856)
  • Total successful txs: ~108,316 (prev. 99,406)

This KPI has increased slightly since last reported in May at 93.1%. We have not completed any work to fix issues in v2 in June so this can only be attributed to changed network or user conditions.

Note that our primary focus is on the v3 (Zen) app development. When critical errors come up that can be fixed we will do this ASAP. The errors we are seeing that prevent us from reaching 100% error-free rate are often non-trivial to replicate and fix.

Avg. time on site (30d): 2:49 (+0.46s)

Note, that the Average Time on Site metric can be influenced by market conditions. For instance, we observe an increase in time spent on the site when the market is on the rise.

Taken from this article about what makes a good NPS score: “If your NPS is higher than 30, that would indicate that your company is doing great and has far more happy customers than unhappy ones.”.

As can be seen in the general trend chart above, the NPS score has dropped from being consistently above 60 to 44. Because we have made no changes to the app within this time frame we can only attribute this to changing market conditions or network issues, e.g. if RPC providers have issues it can impact user experience in our app.

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