I suggest we tone down the rhetoric here. This is governance. We are collectively working through governance. This proposal has now been pending for 9 days and has 44 comments. To label this as a rush ignores the facts and the process that have actually unfolded. Nor is anyone attacking anyone else here (aside from a few burner account exceptions).
This proposal has prompted a healthy dialogue. The process, along with the bigger picture of everything that has unfolded over the last 10 months, has provided anyone paying attention with substantial learning experience in terms of how we can all can do better.
The main benefits are the healthy discussion and dialogue this BIP has produced, along with the voluntary undertakings, additional disclosures, and other follow-on proposals, RFCs, and updates that this proposal prompted after it went live on May 8. (See BIP-301, this proposal, the RFC from the Integrations team, reconciliation of invoices paid by OpCo to Orb, Orb BAL inventory breakdown, and Orb updated Q2 budget forecast).
There remain difficult and nuanced issues and questions to be worked through and answered, but the loose ends don’t take away from the fact that things are now moving in the right direction.
The main concern now being expressed is if Orb’s detailed budget projection for June cannot, for whatever reason, be produced in time for governance approval for funding by next month, then there are serious real life consequences that people will experience. I get that. I think most of the people participating here get that AND want to avoid that situation.
At this point, it makes the most sense to me to avoid those consequences by not taking this proposal to a vote. Instead, we give the process more time to breathe by allowing it to continue to unfold, with monitoring, and continue to engage in healthy dialogue while collectively solving these difficult and nuanced problems. We should allow more answers to be given to the various outstanding questions (the current ones are all in the comments of the links above), allow follow-on questions to be made and answers to be provided, and continue to collectively work towards a peaceful, practical, and productive transition.