BIP-681: Update DAO Multisig Signers and Backup Signers

Payload PR


  • Replace Trent with Gosuto on the DAO multisig
  • Establish a new, updated, canonical list of Backup Signers for the DAO Multisig.
  • Pay out signers their 500 BAL each for H1-2024


The Balancer DAO multisig is responsible for enacting most governance outside of incentives management. The safes managed by this signer set hold the keys to the protocols on-chain configuration and the treasury. The DAO multisig is a 6/11 gnosis safe on each chain we operate on. Governance operates on a weekly cadence. The DAO multisig signers may be asked to sign once per week, although work is done to try to batch payloads and call on them less often.

As with many DeFi Protocol Multisigs, the DAO multisig signer set is made up of DeFi OGs and protocol founders who have a long, established and strong reputation as leaders in web3. They are joined by myself, who handles operations and works with the Balancer Maxis to assemble and review payloads and reports for the DAO Multisig to review and sign.

After a long tenure on the Balancer DAO Multisig the honorable ser Trent McConaghy has decided not to continue to be on call each week. We deeply thank Trent for his service. We can not be grateful enough.

Purpose of this Governance:

As signers have left in the past, there has been no BIP due to the DAO Multisig Replacement list, last updated June 2022 by BIP-16. Since this list is both outdated and fragmented between governance texts, this BIP seeks to:

  1. Establish a new list of backup signers
  2. Appoint Gosuto, a second operational signer from the Maxis to replace Trent and back me up/share some of the operational workload.
  3. Pay the Mulitsigners, 500 BAL each for their service in H1-2024 according to this circa 2021 Governance Proposal

Updated signers and backup signers

Gosuto (0x11761c7b08287d9489CD84C04DF6852F5C07107b) will be added to replace Trent.

The Backup signer list will be replaced to contain the following backup signers:

Name Affiliation Signer Address
Lewis Stablecoin Labs/Gyro 0xbcf751dBfe314Ee96A660EFA2Fcb259CBc364c29
Anna Cowswap 0x04ce1ccF81AE660e23ca0c0823911df709B0E7Fc
Hubert StakeDAO 0x02e4De712d99f4B1b1e12aa3675D8b0A582caA5D
Figue Paladin 0x009d13e9bec94bf16791098ce4e5c168d27a9f07
Elbagococina Karpatkey 0x6578183A203b41C419b93DF9121b5e3b26561aC5

The Backup signers may be swapped out with standing signers at any time, with notice posted to the forum but no token-holder voting.

DAO signers foregoing BAL payments

Some signers have asked not to receive funds and/or have not confirmed that they clearly wish to receive them. These signers will not be paid, but instead granted a right to request payment until the end of September 2024 as defined by specification #4 below.


If this BIP passes:

1: The backup signer list above would become the new, canonical signer list replacing all past signer lists.

2: The DAO multisig on each chain would execute a transaction to replace Trent(0x478eC43c6867c2884f87B21c164f1fD1308bD9a3) with Gosuto(0x11761c7b08287d9489CD84C04DF6852F5C07107b)

3: The DAO Multisig would send 500 BAL each on mainnet to the following addresses:

Mounir (Paraswap): 0x0951FF0835302929d6c0162b3d2495A85e38ec3A

0xMaki: 0x285b7EEa81a5B66B62e7276a24c1e0F83F7409c1

Evan (Copper): 0x59693BA1A5764e087CE166ac0E0085Fc071B9ea7

Tritium (Balancer Maxis): 0xcf4fF1e03830D692F52EB094c52A5A6A2181Ab3F

nanexcool(separate payment address): 0x72BA1965320ab5352FD6D68235Cc3C5306a6FFA2

Stefan (Gnosis): 0x9F7dfAb2222A473284205cdDF08a677726d786A0

4: The DAO multisig would be permitted to pay 500 BAL each to the following addresses should they request payment by the end of September 2024:

AlexLange: 0x3ABDc84Dd15b0058B281D7e26CCc3932cfb268aA

trentmc0: 0x478eC43c6867c2884f87B21c164f1fD1308bD9a3

bonustrack87: 0x9BE6ff2A1D5139Eda96339E2644dC1F05d803600

David Gerai: 0xAc1aA53108712d7f38093A67d380aD54B562a650

Ernesto: 0xA39a62304d8d43B35114ad7bd1258B0E50e139b3

Please note this is set to be executed a week later than the snapshot round ends; not immediately after concluding.

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Nice proposal.
I confirm that I have control of the address 0x02e4De712d99f4B1b1e12aa3675D8b0A582caA5D

It’s an honour to help Balancer, I confirm I have control of the address: 0x009d13e9bec94bf16791098ce4e5c168d27a9f07

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Hey Hubert,

You don’t have a long history on our Forum nor does your name match. As you are an active developer with StakeDAO. Do you think you could drop a similar comment on the PR here, from your github handle that has lots of commits to that repo?

I’m Lewis Gudgeon, one of the founders of the Gyroscope protocol. Happy to confirm I have control of the address: 0xbcf751dBfe314Ee96A660EFA2Fcb259CBc364c29

With Gyroscope, the stablecoin protocol built on Balancer tech, I have worked very closely alongside Balancer since 2020.

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I’m Jonas, part of the Gyro Team and have been pretty active in Balancer governance.

I would like to attest to fsxforte being the alias of Lewis, a co-founder of Gyroscope / Stablecoin Labs.

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I’m elbagococina, co-founder of karpatkey
I confirm that I have control of the address 0x6578183A203b41C419b93DF9121b5e3b26561aC5

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Hey, I am Anna from CoW DAO (CoW Swap), confirming control of the address 0x04ce1ccF81AE660e23ca0c0823911df709B0E7Fc

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