[BIP-637] Wire Up Fraxtal Gauges and Cross Chain Boost

Payload with PR


Balancer is expanding to Fraxtal per BIP-608 and was wired up initially via BIP-613. The intention of this proposal is to set up the Mainnet and Fraxtal infrastructure to allow for BAL to flow via root gauges to child chain gauges on Fraxtal; making the network fully encompassed in the ecosystem. This will begin the steps of Balancer getting a stronger foothold on the network, permitting vote incentives on pools, and leading to the core pool model being carried out as well.

Technical Specification:

Setting Gauge Factories (Mainnet) Specification Part A:

The DAO Multisig eth:0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling grantRoles passing roles (bytes32) as 0x3f44776af02a9227991da37715b44e45db40735e216b3ab33144859bb6737166 , 0x2960d085c4c968d7cad55c0da3f97014525b948fdce990ecaef4e832b5f0b151 and account (address): 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f. The correspond to addGaugeType and setGaugeFactory, verifiable here.

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will then interact with the GaugeAdder 0x5DbAd78818D4c8958EfF2d5b95b28385A22113Cd two times.

  1. by writing addGaugeType function with the argument gaugeType (string): Fraxtal

  2. by writing the setGaugeFactory function passing factory (address) as 0x18CC3C68A5e64b40c846Aa6E45312cbcBb94f71b and gaugeType(string) as Fraxtal

Lastly, the DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling revokeRoles passing roles (bytes32) as 0x3f44776af02a9227991da37715b44e45db40735e216b3ab33144859bb6737166 , 0x2960d085c4c968d7cad55c0da3f97014525b948fdce990ecaef4e832b5f0b151 and account (address): 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f

Set ve Delegation Proxy Part B

The DAO Multisig on Fraxtal:0x4f22C2784Cbd2B24a172566491Ee73fee1A63c2e will interact with the Authorizer 0xE39B5e3B6D74016b2F6A9673D7d7493B6DF549d5 calling grantRoles with roles (bytes32): 0xd6a470b7515ff20313e51cfcb0941cc9bc6de272c8ef76595ca93c330a626a2f
which corresponds to the role for calling setDelegation on the l2-ve-delegation-proxy, verifiable here.

account: 0x4f22C2784Cbd2B24a172566491Ee73fee1A63c2e

This grants the ability for the DAO Multisig to call that functions.

The DAO Multisig Fraxtal:0x4f22C2784Cbd2B24a172566491Ee73fee1A63c2e will interact with the l2-ve-delegation-proxy 0xE3881627B8DeeBCCF9c23B291430a549Fc0bE5F7 calling setDelegation with the following argument:

Boost Delegation v2: 0x1702067424096F07A60e62cceE3dE9420068492D

which corresponds to the l2-veboost-v2 contract.

The DAO Multisig Fraxtal:0x4f22C2784Cbd2B24a172566491Ee73fee1A63c2e will interact with the Authorizer 0xE39B5e3B6D74016b2F6A9673D7d7493B6DF549d5 calling revokeRoles with the following arguments:

roles: 0x9982b96c2fe5e96298fb726a0961f96e3b1b747460c05c75c71244df64b5248e

account: 0x4f22C2784Cbd2B24a172566491Ee73fee1A63c2e

This removes the ability for the DAO Multisig to call that function.

Set Trusted Remote Address for LZ - LZ ChainIds Part C

The LM Multisig 0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 will write the OmniVotingEscrow contract 0xE241C6e48CA045C7f631600a0f1403b2bFea05ad

Function: setTrustedRemoteAddress

remoteChainId: 255

remoteAddress: 0xE241C6e48CA045C7f631600a0f1403b2bFea05ad

