[BIP-262] L2 Gauge Migration

BIP-262-L2-Gauge-Migraiton by solarcurvey · Pull Request #141 · BalancerMaxis/multisig-ops · GitHub


Development of cross chain gauge boosts in collaboration with Layer Zero has progressed significantly and the new L2 gauges are ready to be used. Every existing gauge on a network other than Ethereum will either be migrated to a new gauge that supports cross chain boosts or killed. Balancer’s UI will feature the ability for veBAL lockers to sync their veBAL balance to non-ethereum networks to take advantage of boosted BAL emissions - this is expected over the next one or two months.

There will be four groups of transactions - group A will add the new gauges to Gnosis chain and be executed immediately. Group B will kill the old gauges on Gnosis chain and be executed approximately on May 9th. Group C will add all new gauges on all other L2 networks, to be executed approximately on May 9th. Group D will kill all old gauges on other L2 networks approximately on May, 23rd. This is to allow time for the respective Aura voting cycle to complete to ensure any protocols providing voting incentives get the full value of those incentives. For those new gauges which get veBAL votes before May 4th the first emissions through the new gauges would start on May 11th. The one week emission delay for voting would be true for gauges voted on in the later cycle.

Also on May 11th Balancer’s UI will display informational warning messages on all L2 pools which are getting a new gauge - this will provide a one click “gauge migration” for LP’s, meaning unstaking from the old gauge and re-staking in the new one. These will be applied as pools are migrating over the next several weeks.

These L2 root gauges are being killed rather than migrated due to a lack of usage, 12 total.

o-stg/bb-rf-aUSDC → 0xC02b1b15888277B54Fb4903ef3Dedf4881a8c73A

o-IB/rETH → 0x78F50cF01a2Fd78f04da1D9ACF14a51487eC0347

o-wstETH/LDO → 0xeC6BA3d9D9045997552155599E6Cc89aA08Ffd76

o-bbrfaUSD → 0x8B815a11D0D9eeeE6861D1C5510d6FAA2C6e3fEb

o-rETH/bbrfaUSD/bbrfOP → 0x97a92eDcDD4176B1495bF5DA6D9547537A53ED72

o-bbrfaUSD/beets/rETH/bbrfBAL → 0xb8F91FF8Cd5005f6274B6c2292CF3CCCdBCF32b7

o-wstETH/bbrfaUSD/bbrfaWBTC → 0xa26B3523227e300Ff8eCA69CD3b0bdcbd2Db0313

o-wstETH/bbrfaWETH → 0x74CE2247eC3f0b87BA0737497e3Db8873c184267

a-BAL/WETH → 0x6823DcA6D70061F2AE2AAA21661795A2294812bF

a-vst/dai/usdt/usdc → 0x709E5d6258aa97F12f3167844CB858696c16F39A

a-weth/vsta → 0xd863DA50435D9FCf75008f00e49fFd0722291d94

p-rbw/weth → 0xa3E3B2C9C7A04894067F106938cA81e279bC3831

We will be coordinating with the various voting incentive marketplaces to ensure all future voting incentives only go towards the new gauges.

List of L2 root gauges to be migrated, 33 total

g-bbagUSD → 0x25D6F29429bccCc129d1A3e2a5642C8B929BCC07

g-bbag USD/WETH/WBTC → 0x56A65cC666bfe538c5a031942369F6F63eb42240

g-bbag USD/GNO → 0xd27671f057e9e72751106fBfbBBB33827D986546

g-bbag WETH/GNO → 0x3FB2975E00B3dbB97E8315a5ACbFF6B38026FDf3

o-weth/rETH → 0xfb0265841C49A6b19D70055E596b212B0dA3f606

a-RDNT/WETH → 0x19ff30f9B2d32bfb0F21f2DB6c6A3A8604Eb8C2B

a-wstETH/weth → 0x519cCe718FCD11AC09194CFf4517F12D263BE067

a-bbrfgUSD → 0x5b0C1b84566708Dd391Ae0FecE1a32e33682EE3d

a-wbtc/weth/usdc → 0x359EA8618c405023Fc4B98dAb1B01F373792a126

a-bb-DAI+/bb-USD+ → 0x5A7f39435fD9c381e4932fa2047C9a5136A5E3E7

a-MAGIC/USDC → 0x68EBB057645258Cc62488fD198A0f0fa3FD6e8fb

a-bbaweth/rETH → 0xad2632513bFd805A63aD3e38D24EE10835877d41

a-bbaweth/wstETH → 0x74d3aa5F9A2863DC22f6cF9c5faaca4E1fc86F75

a-bbaUSD → 0xb2102335Ea09E0476F886Ef7a4e77170235c408E

p-bbawmatic/maticX → 0x87F678f4F84e5665e1A85A22392fF5A84adC22cD

p-bbawmatic/stMATIC → 0xBD734b38F2dc864fe00DF51fc4F17d310eD7dA4D

p-tetu/usdc → 0x1E0C21296bF29EE2d56e0abBDfbBEdF2530A7c9A

p-sphere/wmatic → 0x90437a1D2F6C0935Dd6056f07f05C068f2A507F9

p-usdc/wusdr → 0x21a3De9292569F599e4cf83c741862705bf4f108

p-bbtUSD → 0x28D4FE67c68d340fe66CfbCBe8e2cd279d8AA6dD

p-wbtc/usdc/weth → 0x88D07558470484c03d3bb44c3ECc36CAfCF43253

p-jEUR/PAR → 0x0DB3F34d07682B7C61B0B72D02a26CD3cBDBBdd0

p-20weth-80bal/tetuBAL → 0xcF5938cA6d9F19C73010c7493e19c02AcFA8d24D

p-wmatic/usdc/weth/bal → 0xA5A0B6598B90d214eAf4d7a6b72d5a89C3b9A72c

p-tetuQI/QI → 0xD762F3C30A17222C0b8d25aFE1F1dCEC9816F15B

p-thx/stMATIC → 0xEd510769CCf53eA14388Fc9d6E98EDa5b1a5BAC8

p-xSGD/USDC → 0xe42382D005A620FaaA1B82543C9c04ED79Db03bA

p-wmatic/ankrMATIC → 0x6a08FD22bd3B10a8EB322938FCaa0A1B025BF3b3

p-tngbl/usdc → 0x43E4bE3A89985c4f1fCB4c2D3bd7e6E0C5df42D3

p-jEUR/agEUR → 0x3bEEB803124bf0553B1d54301BA18368c74483c6

p-sd/maticX → 0x9649d14f2b3300Edf690C96fbCb25eDC4B52Ea05

p-wstETH/bbaweth → 0x304a75f78C96767a814c36Aaa74d622ECf875d36

p-bbaUSD → 0x8D7d227746eE06D2532903D6EF1F69D80647C0E7


Group A

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will initiate a transaction to the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling grantRole with the following arguments:

role: 0xf49d7ffb5922642adc9f29cfb52b2214e81e0b0e54e9cd1e9f70439f0011f368

This corresponds with the role for calling add_gauge on the gaugeController.

account: 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f

This allows the DAO Multisig to directly add gauges to the controller.

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the AuthorizerAdaptor at 0x8F42aDBbA1B16EaAE3BB5754915E0D06059aDd75 and call performAction with the GaugeController at 0xC128468b7Ce63eA702C1f104D55A2566b13D3ABD for the target(address) argument and using 0x3a04f900 followed by the gauge addresses listed below and the corresponding gauge type for the data(bytes) argument.

List of gauge addresses

g-bbagUSD → 0x3B6A85B5e1e6205ebF4d4eabf147D10e8e4bf0A5

g-bbag USD/WETH/WBTC → 0x21b2Ef3DC22B7bd4634205081c667e39742075E2

g-bbag USD/GNO → 0xcB2c2AF6c3E88b4a89aa2aae1D7C8120EEe9Ad0e

g-bbag WETH/GNO → 0xE41736b4e78be41Bd03EbAf8F86EA493C6e9EA96


The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will initiate a transaction to the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling renounceRole with the following arguments:

role: 0xf49d7ffb5922642adc9f29cfb52b2214e81e0b0e54e9cd1e9f70439f0011f368

This corresponds with the role for calling add_gauge on the gaugeController as seen here .

account: 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f

This removes the ability for the DAO Multisig to directly add gauges to the controller.

Group B

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the AuthorizerAdaptor at 0x8F42aDBbA1B16EaAE3BB5754915E0D06059aDd75 and call performAction using 0xab8f0945 for the data(bytes) argument and the following list of gauges for the target(address) argument.

List of gauges to be killed

g-bbagUSD → 0x25D6F29429bccCc129d1A3e2a5642C8B929BCC07

g-bbag USD/WETH/WBTC → 0x56A65cC666bfe538c5a031942369F6F63eb42240

g-bbag USD/GNO → 0xd27671f057e9e72751106fBfbBBB33827D986546

g-bbag WETH/GNO → 0x3FB2975E00B3dbB97E8315a5ACbFF6B38026FDf3

Group C

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will initiate a transaction to the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling grantRole with the following arguments:

role: 0xf49d7ffb5922642adc9f29cfb52b2214e81e0b0e54e9cd1e9f70439f0011f368

This corresponds with the role for calling add_gauge on the gaugeController.

account: 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f

This allows the DAO Multisig to directly add gauges to the controller.

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the AuthorizerAdaptor at 0x8F42aDBbA1B16EaAE3BB5754915E0D06059aDd75 and call performAction with the GaugeController at 0xC128468b7Ce63eA702C1f104D55A2566b13D3ABD for the target(address) argument and using 0x3a04f900 followed by the gauge addresses listed below and the corresponding gauge type for the data(bytes) argument.

List of gauge addresses

o-weth/rETH → 0xDaCD99029b4B94CD04fE364aAc370829621C1C64

a-RDNT/WETH 10% cap → 0x8135d6AbFd42707A87A7b94c5CFA3529f9b432AD

a-wstETH/weth → 0xDf464348c4EC2Bf0e5D6926b9f707c8e02301adf

a-bbrfgUSD → 0x09D1036B04ef49BC155D258D7360FA7aE8F5B84d

a-wbtc/weth/usdc → 0xf460C9A5D00ef665F12Ee9634983A2b799dA5317

a-bb-DAI+/bb-USD+ → 0x260779495dA7Ce3A76b44F5C994cD18EBDa8177f

a-MAGIC/USDC → 0x0EDF6cDd81BC3471C053341B7D8Dfd1Cb367AD93

a-bbaweth/rETH → 0x4944b07977A42C15c6a06CF4e204e24c60564104

a-bbaweth/wstETH → 0xB5044FD339A7b858095324cC3F239C212956C179

a-bbaUSD → 0x54BeFB03BB58687cDE09cd082Bd78410e309D8C7

p-bbawmatic/maticX → 0x082AACfaf4db8AC0642CBED50df732D3C309E679

p-bbawmatic/stMATIC → 0xDd3b4161D2a4c609884E20Ed71b4e85BE44572E6

p-tetu/usdc 2% cap-> 0x1f5Cb5b832f27E24A3b0ad4b837d3Ed26FF7aC6E

p-sphere/wmatic 2% cap-> 0xA4c104AB9116a84714C081e0Ed6d750221e4c756

p-usdc/wusdr 2% cap-> 0xc534C30749b6C198D35a7836E26076E7745D8936

p-bbtUSD → 0x39cEEbb561a65216A4B776ea752d3137e9d6C0F0

p-wbtc/usdc/weth → 0x1604b7E80975555e0aCEaca9C81807FbB4D65Cf1

p-jEUR/PAR 2% cap → 0x16289F675Ca54312a8fCF99341e7439982888077

p-20weth-80bal/tetuBAL → 0xd1177e2157a7fD6A0484B79f8E50e8A9305F8063

p-wmatic/usdc/weth/bal → 0xF5C7F74103d4E9D1fF8FBa3420c6319723e3473A

p-tetuQI/QI 2%cap → 0x31F99c542CbE456FcbBe99D4bf849Af4D7fB5405

p-thx/stMATIC 2% cap-> 0xe603cc3f7Ec38cC6ab1Eef7FdA9Bb599493e9a24

p-xSGD/USDC 2% cap → 0x145011e0C04805E11BEf23c1EEd848Faf49bB779

p-wmatic/ankrMATIC → 0x21483F79a1aE94536Dc1d5dDfC6f591fB3B430Df

p-tngbl/usdc 2% cap → 0x2cc5BebcFdAAD20f2a608EC153d1C7BED66EeEC3

p-jEUR/agEUR 2% cap → 0x790DE8ABE859f399023BCe73B5FE5C4870cD816A

p-sd/maticX 2% cap-> 0x0a650F4E0C416c24C8713c322d5AAA531a5A0112

p-wstETH/bbaweth → 0x47D7269829Ba9571D98Eb6DDc34e9C8f1A4C327f

p-bbaUSD → 0x6b641e334f63f0D882538Fe189efC0702d961696


The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will initiate a transaction to the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 calling renounceRole with the following arguments:

role: 0xf49d7ffb5922642adc9f29cfb52b2214e81e0b0e54e9cd1e9f70439f0011f368

This corresponds with the role for calling add_gauge on the gaugeController as seen here .

account: 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f

This removes the ability for the DAO Multisig to directly add gauges to the controller.

Group D

The DAO Multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with the AuthorizerAdaptor at 0x8F42aDBbA1B16EaAE3BB5754915E0D06059aDd75 and call performAction using 0xab8f0945 for the data(bytes) argument and the following list of gauges for the target(address) argument.

List of gauges to be killed

o-stg/bb-rf-aUSDC → 0xC02b1b15888277B54Fb4903ef3Dedf4881a8c73A

o-IB/rETH → 0x78F50cF01a2Fd78f04da1D9ACF14a51487eC0347

o-wstETH/LDO → 0xeC6BA3d9D9045997552155599E6Cc89aA08Ffd76

o-bbrfaUSD → 0x8B815a11D0D9eeeE6861D1C5510d6FAA2C6e3fEb

o-rETH/bbrfaUSD/bbrfOP → 0x97a92eDcDD4176B1495bF5DA6D9547537A53ED72

o-bbrfaUSD/beets/rETH/bbrfBAL → 0xb8F91FF8Cd5005f6274B6c2292CF3CCCdBCF32b7

o-wstETH/bbrfaUSD/bbrfaWBTC → 0xa26B3523227e300Ff8eCA69CD3b0bdcbd2Db0313

o-wstETH/bbrfaWETH → 0x74CE2247eC3f0b87BA0737497e3Db8873c184267

a-BAL/WETH → 0x6823DcA6D70061F2AE2AAA21661795A2294812bF

a-vst/dai/usdt/usdc → 0x709E5d6258aa97F12f3167844CB858696c16F39A

a-weth/vsta → 0xd863DA50435D9FCf75008f00e49fFd0722291d94

p-rbw/weth → 0xa3E3B2C9C7A04894067F106938cA81e279bC3831


o-weth/rETH → 0xfb0265841C49A6b19D70055E596b212B0dA3f606

a-RDNT/WETH → 0x19ff30f9B2d32bfb0F21f2DB6c6A3A8604Eb8C2B

a-wstETH/weth → 0x519cCe718FCD11AC09194CFf4517F12D263BE067

a-bbrfgUSD → 0x5b0C1b84566708Dd391Ae0FecE1a32e33682EE3d

a-wbtc/weth/usdc → 0x359EA8618c405023Fc4B98dAb1B01F373792a126

a-bb-DAI+/bb-USD+ → 0x5A7f39435fD9c381e4932fa2047C9a5136A5E3E7

a-MAGIC/USDC → 0x68EBB057645258Cc62488fD198A0f0fa3FD6e8fb

a-bbaweth/rETH → 0xad2632513bFd805A63aD3e38D24EE10835877d41

a-bbaweth/wstETH → 0x74d3aa5F9A2863DC22f6cF9c5faaca4E1fc86F75

a-bbaUSD → 0xb2102335Ea09E0476F886Ef7a4e77170235c408E

p-bbawmatic/maticX → 0x87F678f4F84e5665e1A85A22392fF5A84adC22cD

p-bbawmatic/stMATIC → 0xBD734b38F2dc864fe00DF51fc4F17d310eD7dA4D

p-tetu/usdc → 0x1E0C21296bF29EE2d56e0abBDfbBEdF2530A7c9A

p-sphere/wmatic → 0x90437a1D2F6C0935Dd6056f07f05C068f2A507F9

p-usdc/wusdr → 0x21a3De9292569F599e4cf83c741862705bf4f108

p-bbtUSD → 0x28D4FE67c68d340fe66CfbCBe8e2cd279d8AA6dD

p-wbtc/usdc/weth → 0x88D07558470484c03d3bb44c3ECc36CAfCF43253

p-jEUR/PAR → 0x0DB3F34d07682B7C61B0B72D02a26CD3cBDBBdd0

p-20weth-80bal/tetuBAL → 0xcF5938cA6d9F19C73010c7493e19c02AcFA8d24D

p-wmatic/usdc/weth/bal → 0xA5A0B6598B90d214eAf4d7a6b72d5a89C3b9A72c

p-tetuQI/QI → 0xD762F3C30A17222C0b8d25aFE1F1dCEC9816F15B

p-thx/stMATIC → 0xEd510769CCf53eA14388Fc9d6E98EDa5b1a5BAC8

p-xSGD/USDC → 0xe42382D005A620FaaA1B82543C9c04ED79Db03bA

p-wmatic/ankrMATIC → 0x6a08FD22bd3B10a8EB322938FCaa0A1B025BF3b3

p-tngbl/usdc → 0x43E4bE3A89985c4f1fCB4c2D3bd7e6E0C5df42D3

p-jEUR/agEUR → 0x3bEEB803124bf0553B1d54301BA18368c74483c6

p-sd/maticX → 0x9649d14f2b3300Edf690C96fbCb25eDC4B52Ea05

p-wstETH/bbaweth → 0x304a75f78C96767a814c36Aaa74d622ECf875d36

p-bbaUSD → 0x8D7d227746eE06D2532903D6EF1F69D80647C0E7


Fantastic proposal, and it’s great to see that it’s making progress. The move to go cross-chain with gauges and boosting is a significant step towards enabling users on layer 2s and sidechains to access the full range of benefits that the Balancer ecosystem has to offer, including Aura.

I have a suggestion that could help reduce the risks associated with the migration process. In my opinion, it would be more beneficial to deploy the migration in two phases. Firstly, we could migrate a smaller chain, such as Gnosis. Then following a successful migration there push forward with the rest.

A cautious and thoughtful approach to the initial deployment could benefit everyone involved and give us all an even higher level of confidence in the new gauges, layer zero contracts, and relayers before proceeding with the migration to other chains. This approach might push the timelines back by an epoch or two, but I believe that the benefits of a reduced risk and the avoidance of potential future migrations outweigh any minor delay.

I look forward to hearing others’ thoughts on this suggestion and any additional ideas they might have.



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