Aura Delegate Thread

[BIP-162] Karpatkey Investment Strategy

Vote: Yes

Rationale: The Karpatkey investment strategy is very much in line with the intent as outlined in BIP 103. Bridging assets back to mainnet and allowing for resources to be placed in the new SAFE position is essential in order to allow BIP 103 to be executed effectively.

[BIP-163] Restructure Governance Process - Disband Governance Council

Vote: Yes

Rationale: This proposal generated a lot of discussion on how Balancer proposals might be managed and how best to enable this system without the oversight of the governance council. With that said, this step will take Balancer forward towards a more decentralized model and Aura Finance supports this move.

[BIP-164] Deposit BAL into Aave Polygon v3

Vote: yes

Rationale: Depositing additional BAL into the new Aave v3 pools will generate income for the DAO without diluting voting power. The Aura delegate council supports this move and the desire to generate yield on idle assets.

[BIP-165] Enable ankrETH/ETH Gauge on Ethereum

Vote: yes

Rationale: Aura is very supportive of protocols wishing to deposit their LSD related offerings into the Balancer ecosystem.