Hi everyone,
As explained in this other post, the Tribe DAO now has a 2-contract setup to interact with the veBAL system:
- VeBalDelegatorPCVDeposit vote-locks the 112,041 B-80BAL-20WETH tokens held by the DAO into veBAL
- BalancerGaugeStaker (behind eip-1967 proxy) to stake the protocol-owned liquidity BPTs in various gauges (e.g. the 252,865 B-70WETH-30FEI currently held)
This approach does not allow our gauge staking to benefit from veBAL boosting (that can boost BAL earned from the LM program by up to 2.5x if the staking is spread across enough gauges).
After discussions with the Balancer Labs team (and particularly Nicolas Venturo), a solution to this problem could be for the Balancer devs to deploy a new version VotingEscrowDelegation contract that include methods that allow the Tribe DAO to delegate its boost from the VeBalDelegatorPCVDeposit to the BalancerGaugeStaker eip-1967 proxy (and hardcode the existing 6 boost delegations in the constructor of the new contract, to keep the same delegations during migration).
Would the Balancer DAO consider doing this small migration soon, before Convex-like platforms launch (at which point, a lot more boost delegations will happen, and migration will be harder) ?