Disclaimer: I am currently a Balancer Maxi, member of the board of the Balancer foundation and former Balancer Grants grantee. Because of my engagement in the community, I am abstaining (and have abstained) from any SP Proposal voting.
The Balancer DAO is in the process of full decentralization by funding core entities through the Service Provider framework. Orb Collective and Balancer Maxis are a prime example of successful Service Providers adding value to the protocol under the umbrella of the Balancer foundation.
Now, a funding proposal for OpCo has hit the forum giving us a near complete picture of expected quarterly expenses while providing services covering the full spectrum of marketing, partnerships, legal council, front-end development, protocol governance and much more.
As active community members, it is important to have a clear picture of our net income and spendings, as I have written in the last treasury-roundup which you can read here. In this article, I want to give an objective and concise overview of the status of the Balancer DAO treasury, our income sources and spendings as well as describe possible scenarios for Q1 ‘23.
Status of the DAO Treasury
I will use the Balancer DAO Treasury dashboard as well as the service provider budgeting positions as the main sources of information. You can interact with the dashboard here (note: I am running a custom, non-released version off of the official balancer subgraph).
Revenue streams
The DAO treasury had a constant stream of protocol fee income despite the recent market downturn.
At the current rate, we are generating roughly $7.48k in USDC for the treasury per day. The main driver is of course protocol fees as well as fees from LBPs via Copper:
Since the tokenomics overhaul and collection of protocol fees (50% of collected fees from LPs) in April of this year we roughly obtained ~$1.5 Million USDC which results in an average rate of $12.7k a day. This is a decrease of $1.8k a day from the previously analysed shorter time-frame in Q2 ($14.5k a day).
At the current rate, we can expect roughly $381k USDC per month on average net USDC income from protocol fees and Copper.
Treasury Reserves
Our treasury still consists of more than 87% of BAL tokens which make up roughly $32.8 Million USD at the time of writing.
In total our Treasury net worth increased slightly from $36 Million USD across all chains to roughly $42 Million as of today. Of course, the main driver in this change is the price appreciation of BAL despite the overall market downturn.
The treasury will soon exchange Fei for USDC, as approved by the latest snapshot vote Snapshot
We will therefore increase our USDC allocation slightly to roughly 8% of our treasury assets.
Actively used Assets
The DAO took initiatives to generate more income with our treasury reserves. We took rather conservative routes: providing liquidity for bridges (which is not earning any fees currently) as well as selling calls against a small position of BAL on Ribbon Finance. As of today we made 52,413 USDC and lost 3,470 BAL on those selling calls.
Key Takeaways
- Our projected yearly income at the current rate is set to approx. $2.73 Million USD
- The main income source are protocol fees on mainnet
- Our treasury currently holds approx. $42 Million USD in assets
- Our main wealth comes from BAL, making up $32.8 Million
- 60k BAL is deployed on bridges and is therefore not showing up directly on the Balancer Treasury balance sheet.
Treasury Spending Sources: Service Providers (SPs)
Our main source of spendings are Service providers. The DAO currently funds following entities
- Orb Collective
- Balancer Maxis
- Balancer Foundation
Following new SPs are planned to be funded:
- OpCo
Effective USDC Spendings in Q3
Based on the current configuration of SPs we had following spendings:
Orb Collective | Foundation | OpCo | Maxis | Grants | |
Personnel cost | $477,336.00 | $22,316.00 | - | - | $60,000.00 |
Non-People costs | $254,998.00 | $10,415.00 | - | - | - |
Administrative | - | $210.00 | - | - | - |
Other / Products | - | - | - | - | - |
Totals | $732,334.00 | $32,941.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $60,000.00 |
We see that more than 80% of our USDC spending rate is for Orb Collective.
Putting our Q3 spendings into perspective:
We are spending roughly $275k USDC a month for Service Providers opposed to roughly $220k USDC in protocol fee revenue, resulting in a net negative runway of roughly $55k a month.
Current Spending Rate of Active and Planned SPs for Q4 ‘22
I analysed the projected spendings in terms of USDC and BAL for Q4, including OpCo as a possible 4th Service Provider:
Projected USDC Spendings:
Orb Collective | Foundation | OpCo | Maxis | Grants | |
Personnel cost | $684,816.00 | $64,689.00 | $246,456.00 | - | $60,000.00 |
Non-People costs | $288,597.00 | - | $108,526.00 | - | - |
Administrative | - | $3,230.00 | $63,709.00 | - | - |
Total | $973,413.00 | $67,919.00 | $418,691.00 | $0.00 | $60,000.00 |
Projected BAL Spendings:
Orb Collective | Foundation | OpCo | Maxis | Grants | |
Grants | - | - | - | - | 101,500.00 |
Vesting | 99,631.75 | - | 29,169.50 | 20,625.00 | - |
Other | - | - | - | 12,000.00 | - |
Total | 99,631.75 | 0.00 | 29,169.50 | 32,625.00 | 101,500.00 |
Based on these projected spendings for all SPs we can project a quarterly outflow of funds to be
- $1.52 Million USDC
- 263k BAL
for Q4 of 2022.
These spendings would correspond to a yearly footprint of
- $6.08 Million USDC
BAL spendings are variable and cannot be easily projected. Maxis and the Grants team would approximately request 536.5k BAL per year.
Outlook and Projections
Let’s make some basic assumptions about the DAOs spending rate. Based our current footprint, including OpCo and our BAL spendings we can project the following:
Cumulative cost | Cumulative income | Delta | USDC reserves | BAL Spending | BAL in Treasury | |
Q3 22 | $675,000 | $675,000 | $3,315,682 | 5494868 | ||
Q4 22 | $825,275 | $1,350,000 | $524,725 | $3,165,407 | 134,125.00 | 5,360,743.00 |
Q1 23 | $1,650,550 | $2,025,000 | $374,450 | $3,015,132 | 134,125.00 | 5,226,618.00 |
Q2 23 | $2,475,825 | $2,700,000 | $224,175 | $2,864,857 | 134,125.00 | 5,092,493.00 |
Q3 23 | $3,301,100 | $3,375,000 | $73,900 | $2,714,582 | 134,125.00 | 4,958,368.00 |
Q4 23 | $4,126,375 | $4,050,000 | -$76,375 | $2,564,307 | 134,125.00 | 4,824,243.00 |
Q1 24 | $4,951,650 | $4,725,000 | -$226,650 | $2,414,032 | 134,125.00 | 4,690,118.00 |
Q2 24 | $5,776,925 | $5,400,000 | -$376,925 | $2,263,757 | 134,125.00 | 4,555,993.00 |
Q3 24 | $6,602,200 | $6,075,000 | -$527,200 | $2,113,482 | 134,125.00 | 4,421,868.00 |
Q4 24 | $7,427,475 | $6,750,000 | -$677,475 | $1,963,207 | 134,125.00 | 4,287,743.00 |
Q1 25 | $8,252,750 | $7,425,000 | -$827,750 | $1,812,932 | 134,125.00 | 4,153,618.00 |
However, we can only assume that spedings will ramp up as described in the Orb and OpCo proposals (more FTE per Service provider, more subscription costs etc).
Update: As FEI was successfully converted to USDC, we have (as of August 24th) $3.3 Million in USDC reserves. With the current burn down rate, we should have acceptable reserves until 2024
Protocol Fee on Yield as an additional Income Source
There is another proposal currently underway to set protocol fees on yield to 50%. This is an important piece of additional income for our protocol fee collector. As outlined in the core pool proposal and the revamped gauge framework, we would be able to accrue a significant amount of fees from the yield of yield bearing token pools. This is the reason why we want to focus on this new class of pool to increase our USDC income significantly. The wstETH/ETH pool is a prime example of a high-performance pool as it generates most of our protocol fees from yield!
At current TVL of $216,909,500 and 1.37% staking yield, we can project roughly $4k of fees daily from this pool only with setting 50% fees on yield as per the pending proposal! The impact of such pools is massive. Given our $7.5k total daily income, it is safe to assume that our treasury generates more than 50% in fees from the wstETH/WETH pool alone! This will scale massively as we introduce more pools of this type!
- The Balancer DAO was able to accumulate a respectable amount of USDC despite the difficult market situation.
- Our spending rate will exceed our net inflow - especially in terms of USDC if the OpCo proposal passes
- A relief in market conditions in combination with upcoming income on yield bearing tokens can potentially mitigate net negative USDC spending for the DAO
- The DAO should focus on building a healthy USDC reserve so that it can fund all Service Providers in the long run while protecting its BAL stack as best as possible. Strategies in that regard are up for discussion.