DevCon Marketing Recap


DevCon is one of the most influential events in the Ethereum and Web3 world—making it the perfect stage for Balancer to boost its visibility and reinforce its position as a top-tier AMM solution. Initially, we planned mainly for a marketing-focused presence, but our approach naturally expanded: we combined in-person marketing with an active onsite team presence. Looking back, this blend not only strengthened our external relationships and brand image but also brought personal fulfillment and motivation to everyone involved.

Our main objectives were to:

  • Establish a strong presence: Show that Balancer is a trusted platform for builders and partners.
  • Showcase thought leadership: Land speaking opportunities that highlight our unique narrative, technical strengths, and long-term vision.
  • Enhance networking & relationships: Connect authentically with developers, partners, and the community, building trust and credibility.
  • Foster internal alignment & brand consistency: Present a unified Balancer voice so our core values and differentiators shine through.
  • Think long-term about user acquisition: Use in-person engagement to start building funnels that onboard and retain users over time.

We succeeded on several fronts—making a strong community impression and emphasizing our approachable brand—while also identifying areas to refine before our next major event, ETHDenver.

What Worked Well

Community & Partner Engagement: Our Wallflower side event, co-hosted with Certora and CoW, stood out as a highlight. With over 200 attendees in a relaxed, social setting, we enabled direct, meaningful exchanges between Balancer engineers, contributors, and community members. Rather than just another networking session, it felt like a friendly get-together that reinforced Balancer’s reputation as open, approachable, and ready to build lasting relationships.

Holistic Onsite Experience: Beyond traditional conference tactics, we organized pre-event wellness sessions, team-building activities, and set up a dedicated coworking space at JustCo One City Centre. These moments fostered authentic connections both internally and externally. They showcased Balancer as a community of real people—learning, collaborating, and having fun together.

Business Development & Partner Engagement: From a business development standpoint, DevCon was a success. Our BD team, alongside Maxis, engaged with numerous partners who significantly contributed to shaping our V3 launch and set the stage for future endeavors beyond the launch. These partnerships not only expanded our network but also provided essential insights and support, positioning Balancer for a successful rollout.

Where We Fell Short

Securing Speaking Opportunities: We aimed for prominent speaking slots to highlight Balancer’s thought leadership, but our pitches didn’t align perfectly with event themes and selection criteria. Without that platform, we relied more on side events and personal outreach to share our story.

User Acquisition Funnel & Hackathon Initiatives: We missed chances to host hackathons, workshops, or hands-on sessions that could convert event interest into long-term engagement. Offering hands-on experience would have helped developers see how Balancer fits their needs, strengthening our user acquisition funnel.

Brand Cohesion & Impactful Swag: While we brought some branded items and had a coherent presence, we could’ve been even more consistent and creative in our visuals and giveaways. A stronger brand story—from attire to merch—would help us stand out and stick in people’s minds.

How We’ll Evolve for the Future

Refined Content & Speaking Strategy: For ETHDenver and beyond, we’ll craft proposals that match event themes more closely, blending technical depth with relevant use cases. This should help secure the speaking opportunities that truly showcase Balancer’s value.

Stronger Brand Cohesion: We’ll invest in a more unified look and feel, along with creative, story-driven swag. This way, Balancer’s brand will be instantly recognizable and leave a lasting impression.

Hackathons, Developer Engagement & User Acquisition: We’ll host or support hackathons, workshops so developers can build with Balancer firsthand. This direct involvement can turn casual interest into ongoing participation and help strengthen our product funnel.

Leveraging Key Partnerships: We’ll strengthen strategic alliances with partner protocols to co-host impactful events, create valuable shared content, and develop joint initiatives that benefit both communities.

Post-Event Follow-Up: We’ll establish a structured follow-up plan—highlight reels, recap content, and community calls—to keep the momentum going after the event. This ensures attendees don’t just remember Balancer’s presence, but continue to engage long after the conference ends.


DevCon showed us the benefits of mixing traditional marketing with personal engagement and team involvement. We learned what we do well (community building, team synergy) and where we can improve (securing speaking slots, branding consistency, hands-on developer engagement, and partner collaborations).

Armed with these insights, we’ll refine our approach for ETHDenver and future events. By honing our messaging, visuals, developer outreach, and partnerships we can build lasting connections, forge stronger alliances, and grow a dedicated community around Balancer’s evolving ecosystem.


Again, thanks @JediRasta26 and @naly for all your help putting this together. OpCo couldn’t have organized this ONsite edition without your help, and like we heard from many contributors, it was the best one yet. Super important to have marketing bros involved, and we’ll make sure to borrow your expertise again and bounce some ideas around in the following editions as well.

Thanks for being honest analyzing what we could do better, but don’t beat yourselves up. Overall it was all great and although we might have not made the stage with speaking opportunities, our partners did, and that speaks about the great product we have. Swag is overrated anyway :sweat_smile:

I’ve posted the budget breakdown can be found here, showing good savings that can be utilized for ETH Denver:


Huge kudos for this event!
It was indeed one of the best so far. Everyone was able to interact with team members, but also to enjoy the event and side events.
Thanks for organizing it so well.