The worlds first & only decentralized Web3 content marketing agency DAO. Massively scalable. Fueled by DeFi.
We at CRE8R are a DAO of content creators that produce educational marketing content for our clients
We have had some success with our pools on Beethoven-x
[CRE8R In F-Major]
(limited to 2 URL Links by posting restrictions)
We would like to expand our liquidity to L2s and plan to build one on OP if and when that goes live too.
Governance: CRE8R DAO is governed by F100 (the founding 100 NFT holders) through snapshot votes and forum proposals.
Oracles: No use of oracles within the CRE8R DAO.
Audits: Nothing to Audit at this time
Centralization vectors: Specific treasury functions are controlled through a multisig such as treasury yield farming, paying bribes, and content creator salaries.
Market History: CRE8R doesn’t run a DeFi protocol with smart contracts, so there is not much need for this history. AFAIK. However we can say that we took on our first client on 7/7/2021 and have taking in over $950K in payments for services.
Yep, exactly. All voting happens on ETH so the root gauge for your pool on Ethereum is what we whitelist. It collects the BAL for a week if your pool got votes in the last voting period, then at the end of that week the rewards are sent to the L2 streamer and streamed to the gauge over the course of the proceeding week.
L2 rewards are always one week delayed from the voting results for this reason.
You can put your own token as rewards though the process for doing that on L2 has not been shared with me. The plan was for a helper contract to be deployed to help with that but I think that was delayed a bit because of the recent bug disclosure the team has been dealing with.