[BIP-774] Initial Gauges on Arbitrum and Base

PR with Payload


As Balancer V3 is in an early growth phase the protocol has been expanded to Arbitrum and Base per BIPs 761 and 760, the intention of this proposal is to enable the initial wave of gauges on each network. Pending several technical deployments of the new composite liquidity router, the Mev Tax hook, and the Stable Surge, only a handful of gauges will be supported to start off on each network.

Primarily the support of Aave rehypothecated ETH derivatives in partnership with Lido on both networks, as well as Sky and Seamless on Base. These pools will act as a starter for liquidity appetite and be followed by more exotic pairings, hook implementations, and partnerships as traction grows.


Network: Arbitrum

Pool Pairing Root Gauge
Aave wETH-wstETH 0xB2FcAd9fd42Affd0A90a996A1DEde4427435e5F8
Aave ezETH-wstETH 0xCA318253Bb460e08ca33fD22574E7F70217130f5
Aave USDC-yUSD 0x9172ad6A79cd6a25F60b1312262ec51219e05f6d

Network: Base

Pool Pairing Root Gauge
Aave wETH-wstETH 0x0855e486EE80FF0EC7c913eC0588A7CBf2B8E89c
Aave ezETH-wstETH 0x86C44de72Ec88d205E63c2aF8D577659319C7a7f
Seamless USDC-sUSDS 0x53D051F583D418DE6512db1Bde281957F043937b

Technical specifications:


Transaction: The Balancer Maxi LM Multisig eth:0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860

will interact with the GaugeAdderv4 at 0x5DbAd78818D4c8958EfF2d5b95b28385A22113Cd and call the addGauge function with the following arguments:

gauge(address): Root Gauge

gaugeType(string): Network


Super excited to see such a stellar pool launch set going live soon!

