[BIP-632] Fund Beethoven X DAO - Marketing for July - December 2024

PR with Payload

Service Provider Name: Beethoven X DAO

Leader(s): Jedi, Naly, Vee

Pledge to abide by the DAO’s Code of Conduct (or link to your own):

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Introduction & Domains of Operation

Over the past six months, the Beethoven X Marketing SP has strived to play an impactful role in supporting the Balancer DAO’s mission to be recognized as a leader in AMM innovation.

Our efforts have been multifaceted, focusing on producing high-quality educational content, strengthening community engagement through social media, collaborating with key partners, and refining brand development and visual creativity. We have also supported core growth strategies and laid the groundwork for the successful launch of Balancer v3 in Q4 this year.

As we near the completion and release of the v3 codebase to the public, Balancer v3 offers a golden opportunity to redefine our position as a driving force in AMM innovation. Inspired by much of what was expressed in Fernando’s recent vision post, we remain highly optimistic about Balancer’s future and are fully committed to supporting the ecosystem to the best of our abilities.

As the current funding period under BIP-519 draws to a close, this proposal seeks an extension of funding for the continuation of marketing services from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.

The following sections will discuss some of the key initiatives behind our efforts over the past six months as well as highlight future goals for the next half.

Key Initiatives & Success Metrics

Education & Content


Driving awareness of Balancer’s core value propositions is the cornerstone of our content creation strategy. As such, we have continued to focus on educational content to enhance the understanding and adoption of Balancer’s core product market fit (PMFs).


  1. Yield Bearing Hub
    • With innovations in Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs), yield-bearing stablecoins, and Liquid Restaked Tokens (LRTs), Balancer’s technology has been crucial in optimizing liquidity for yield-bearing assets. We have focused on developing articles and educational resources to illustrate the benefits of Balancer’s technology in this area.

Key Content:

Yield Bearing Asset Thesis:

Balancer showcasing it’s PMF with the Liquid Re-staking Narrative:






Brought the first Yield Bearing SOL asset to the Ethereum Ecosystem:

Showcasing innovative solutions for staked stablecoins:

  1. 8020
  • The 8020 initiative continues to drive significant value for the Balancer ecosystem. We have continued to develop educational resources to demonstrate the benefits of this model as well as collaborated closely with various projects to co-market and highlight their success stories.

Key Content:

ve8020 notion pack for partners:
The ve8020 Initiative

Continued the ve8020 narrative on X:

  1. Building on Balancer
  • Balancer distinguishes itself as a platform enabling true AMM experimentation and innovation. We have strived to bring awareness to this by showcasing Balancer’s unique product-market fit (PMF) and highlighting the various AMMs built on Balancer by external teams

Key content:

Explaining the cold start problem:

Showcasing custom AMM adoption across DeFi:




Breaking down new custom pools:

Partnerships & Strategy

Balancer’s long-term success is intrinsically linked to the success of the protocols and products built on our platform. As such we have strived to build stronger relationships with key partners to amplify our ecosystem’s reach, enhance Balancer’s product offerings, and drive collaboration.

By closely collaborating with partners to co-develop marketing campaigns, curate educational content, and ideate on community initiatives we have actively strengthened existing foundations and forged new connections within our broader ecosystem.

Case Studies:

  1. Gyroscope:

    • The integration of Gyroscope’s E-CLP invariant into Balancer’s platform has been a significant milestone. This collaboration has facilitated over $1.1 billion in volume, demonstrating enhanced capital efficiency and validating Gyroscope’s innovative AMM model within Balancer’s ecosystem. Gyroscope has been a testament to the power of Balancer’s infrastructure, setting a solid foundation for other projects to follow.


  2. Aura:

    • Aura plays a crucial role in the Balancer ecosystem by aggregating and boosting yield for liquidity providers who stake their BPTs. Building a stronger relationship with Aura’s marketing team has been a priority over recent months, especially after the disbandment of Orb. Our collaborative marketing efforts with Aura aim to significantly strengthen our users understanding of the broader Balancer x Aura ecosystem, drive community engagement, and showcase the synergistic potential of working together in DeFi.

    Aura Finance | What is Balancer?

  3. CowSwap:

    • CowSwap plays a crucial role in the evolution of AMMs by focusing on minimizing MEV and optimizing trade execution. Collaborating with CowSwap is an essential strategy for Balancer, with the potential to propel Balancer to the forefront of AMM innovation with a successful new product. Over the past few months, we have worked closely with the CowSwap team to create educational material regarding LVR (Loss Versus Rebalancing) mitigation strategies for AMMs as well as to develop a Go-To-Market campaign for the upcoming launch of CoW AMM on Balancer.




To enhance the Balancer brand by creating a cohesive and visually compelling identity that resonates with our target audience, supports our strategic goals, and reinforces Balancer’s position as a leader in DeFi innovation.


  1. Brand Development:

    • With v3 almost ready for release, we have worked closely with Pon to help evolve the Balancer visual identity for the upcoming UI release and Z3N rebrand. This collaboration includes the development of a comprehensive brand style guide and asset library to be used across various content verticals, supporting contributors and partners, and ensuring a cohesive and impactful visual presence for Balancer’s upcoming initiatives.
  2. v3 Landing Page:

    • As part of the upcoming launch for v3, we have assisted with curating and developing content for the v3 landing page. This effort ensures the page effectively communicates Balancer’s core value propositions and embodies Balancer’s distinctive style.
  3. Visual Content Creation:

    • Alongside the v3 launch, we have consistently supported marketing-related content with visual imagery. This effort complements the broader marketing strategy and helps to explain content in a more visually engaging way.


As we finalize and prepare to release the v3 codebase, the launch of Balancer v3 presents a prime opportunity to reassert our leadership in AMM innovation. Our primary objective is to present Balancer v3 in the most favorable light, offering thorough education on its key features, executing a comprehensive marketing campaign, and ensuring alignment with business development, design, and strategic partnerships.


  1. v3 strategy
  • Our primary objective has been to ensure that all key elements behind Balancer v3 are aligned for maximum effectiveness. This includes defining Balancer’s value proposition for developers building custom AMMs, creating a framework for developer onboarding, and prioritizing critical focus areas. Key initiatives included crafting a compelling landing page with marketing and Pon, developing an informative pitch deck with Lipman, and formulating custom AMM liquidity strategies by Mike B and Tritium. By synchronizing these efforts, we aim to showcase Balancer v3’s unique strengths and drive its successful launch and adoption.

  1. Go-to-Market (G2M) Strategy:
  • Our Go-to-Market (G2M) strategy for the v3 launch has been coordinated to build anticipation and ensure a smooth rollout. This includes a phased approach beginning with the release of Fernando’s vision article and the codebase reveal, followed by the unveiling of the new UI and Zen rebrand. The strategy will leverage deep dive articles, press releases, partnerships, and teaser campaigns to maximize engagement. We will work closely with key partners like Gyroscope, CowSwap, and Aura to help amplify our efforts. Additionally, our design team is working to ensure all visual elements are cohesive and compelling, further highlighting Balancer v3’s innovative features. This G2M plan aims to effectively showcase Balancer v3’s features and foster a successful market entry.
  1. Content Creation:

    • Our content creation strategy for Balancer v3 is focused on developing a series of comprehensive educational materials that will guide users and developers through the new capabilities of v3. This includes a range of articles, tutorials, and explainer videos designed to provide in-depth understanding and practical insights into Balancer v3’s functionalities. By leveraging a mix of written and visual content, we strive to make the learning process engaging and accessible for all users, with the aim to drive adoption and engagement for Balancer v3.
  2. Key Partnerships:

    • Collaborating with strategic partners is essential to promoting Balancer v3. We are working closely with projects like Aura, CowSwap, and Gyroscope to ensure seamless integration and co-develop promotional strategies that highlight the synergies between our technologies. Looking ahead, we also plan to collaborate on future projects like QuantAMM and host events such as AMAs to showcase the advantages of v3 and its integration with partner technologies.

Future Goals

To continue driving innovation and growth within the Balancer ecosystem through strategic educational initiatives, creative design projects, strengthened partnerships, in-depth content creation, and live events.


1. Balancer University:

We aim to establish a comprehensive educational resource designed to guide new users from a basic understanding to an advanced grasp of Balancer technology. Balancer University will cover a range of topics, including beginner’s guides to AMMs, the power of 8020s, Boosted Pools, E-CLPs, and a detailed guide on entering the Balancer ecosystem. Additionally, we will develop and deliver tutorials covering various aspects of Balancer, from basic functionalities to advanced custom AMM strategies, ensuring users are well-equipped to navigate and leverage the platform’s full potential.

2. Creative Design Initiatives:

Our goal is to produce high-quality visuals and infographics that explain complex concepts and highlight the key features of Balancer v3. These visuals will focus on areas such as the AMM design space on Balancer, the broader Balancer ecosystem, hooks, CoW AMM, and comparisons of AMM development on Balancer versus other platforms.

3. Partnership Focus for v3:

Building and strengthening strategic partnerships is crucial for mutual growth. We plan to forge new relationships and reinforce existing ones with projects like Gyroscope, CowSwap, QuantAMM and Aura. These collaborations will include joint marketing campaigns, co-branded events, and collaborative product development.

4. Deep Dive Articles:

We will publish a series of in-depth articles that explore the technical and economic aspects of Balancer v3. These articles will highlight real-world use cases, success stories, and innovative applications built on Balancer. By providing thought leadership content on the future of DeFi, liquidity provision, and AMM advancements, we aim to position Balancer as a leading voice in the industry.

5. Community Engagement:

Fostering a vibrant and engaged community is essential for our continued success. We plan to achieve this through interactive initiatives and continuous engagement. We have begun to seed a culture based around the Balancer Buffalos and plan to expand on this foundation in the near future.

6. Live Events:
Participating in industry conferences and events is a key strategy for showcasing Balancer’s innovations and expanding our reach. These events improve brand visibility, establish thought leadership, and offer unique opportunities for networking and community engagement. For the launch of Balancer v3, attending live events will demonstrate our new features, build strategic partnerships, and deepen community connections through workshops, hackathons, and social meet-ups.


As we approach the completion and release of Balancer v3, we are poised for a transformative period that will redefine our position in AMM innovation. While v3 is on the horizon and will receive significant focus, we remain dedicated to the ongoing development and progression of v2. Our marketing efforts will continue to coordinate closely with the Maxis, BD, and Design teams to ensure comprehensive coverage and support for all initiatives, ensuring Balancer’s continued success across both platforms.

Length of Engagement & Budget

We are requesting an extension of the current funding outlined in BIP-519, amounting to $30K USDC per month, for marketing-related services from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.

The requested funds will exclusively cover contributor salaries. Our team consists of 2 full-time contributors, Jedi and Naly, who manage marketing strategy, content curation, and social media. Additionally, part-time contributions are provided by Vee (brand development and design) and Josey (social science studies and related content).

ETH Address to Receive Funds: 0x811912c19eEF91b9Dc3cA52fc426590cFB84FC86


As the Marketing Manager for Aura, I just wanted to weigh in on how much help Jedi and Naly have been. We meet with them nearly every week to coordinate upcoming narratives and content and the insights and experience they have are unparalleled in DeFi marketing. Our weekly meetings have been extraordinarily helpful in crafting Aura’s marketing direction and narratives, and I look forward to continuing to build together and shaping the DeFi landscape for years to come.


Thanks for this proposal Jedi!

Marketing is a very subjective area where different people have different perceptions of success/quality. It’s a consensus though that you guys have taken Balancer Marketing to a new level compared to what Orb used to deliver. You guys are keeping working hard and constantly improving, always listening to the feedback of the other SPs and community.

In a moment of uncertainty as we are currently, all SPs should strive to help the DAO extend its runway. The ask of extending the $30k per month ($10k per FTE) seems like a good balance to me.

I’m in support!


It’s been a pleasure collaborating with Jedi and Naly on co-marketing with Gyroscope.

They’ve been incredibly proactive on content creation and Twitter engagement in addition to being great at distilling things into bite-sized messages.

They’ve been of of great help in getting E-CLPs and Rehype pools in front of a wider audience and drawing more users into the Balancer ecosystem.


Karpatkey supports the submitted funding proposal for Beethoven X DAO’s marketing efforts because we appreciate the strategic approach to marketing, including the go-to-market strategy.

However, we do have one question: Will the community be involved in strategy brainstorming sessions or workshops? If so, who will facilitate these sessions?



Thank you for your support and thoughtful question. In the past, we haven’t directly consulted the wider community on strategy. However, we have shared a post that encompasses our vision and approach. Generally, we are very open to feedback and suggestions and welcome input on the forum. If you are interested in connecting with us regarding marketing, we would be more than happy to arrange a suitable session.