[BIP-618] Enable D2D/GYD 80/20 Gauge [Arbitrum]

PR with Payload


This proposal aims to activate a 2% capped gauge for an 80% D2D / 20% GYD pool on the Arbitrum Network. PrimeDAO is collaborating with Gyroscope to its liquidity from the ETH Mainnet D2D / USDC pool to a pool that uses GYD on Arbitrum instead. Having an rETH / D2D and GYD / D2D pool on Arbitrum will likely increase the volumes for both pools

References/Useful links:

Link to:
Website: https://www.prime.xyz/
Github Page: PrimeDAO · GitHub
Forum: https://forum.prime.xyz/
Root gauge: ArbitrumRootGauge | Address 0xBC5E2f2945Ff4a6568C4DBD3aA15D9e8FfDF0125 | Etherscan
Child Chain gauge: Vyper_contract | Address 0x795e075d31Da614a3D5F57FB530D07c2af07B1fE | Arbiscan

Protocol Description:

PrimeDAO is a DAO-builder collective building tools for DAO to DAO coordination. PrimeDAO has launched multiple products and spin-offs, including Prime Rating, Prime Launch (including a Balancer LBP launcher), Prime Deals, SupremeDAO, and Inverter Network.


PrimeDAO is collaborating with Gyroscope to its liquidity from the ETH Mainnet D2D / USDC pool to a pool that uses GYD on Arbitrum instead. Having an rETH / D2D and GYD / D2D pool on Arbitrum will likely increase the volumes for both pools.


1. Governance: PrimeDAO is governed by holders of D2D and pooled D2D, through Snapshot Votes and Forum Proposals.
2. Oracles: None, we use Coingecko.
3. Audits: The Prime Launch and Prime Deals dApp are audited.
4. Centralization Vectors: Treasury functions are controlled by Prime Governance. Contracts are non-upgradable.
5. Market History: D2D has generated over $70,000 in Trading Fees on Balancer since its LBP launch in Q4 2021. Currently, D2D has a combined pool value of $325K+
Gauge address: 0xBC5E2f2945Ff4a6568C4DBD3aA15D9e8FfDF0125


The Balancer Maxi LM Multisig eth:0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 will interact with the GaugeAdderv4 at 0x5DbAd78818D4c8958EfF2d5b95b28385A22113Cd and call the addGauge function with the following arguments:
gauge(address): 0xBC5E2f2945Ff4a6568C4DBD3aA15D9e8FfDF0125, which corresponds to the 2% capped gauge for this pool gaugeType(string): Arbitrum

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