[BIP-552] Authorize Mimic Smart Vaults V3 on Arbitrum, Polygon and Gnosis

PR with Payloads


The Balancer Maxis have worked closely together with Mimic to streamline and automate protocol fee processing on all Balancer deployments. In an initial phase, Mimic used their smart vault v2 architecture to process fees. In a second phase, we migrated Mainnet, Avalanche and Base fee processing to their smart vault v3 architecture as ratified in [BIP-488]. One can review [BIP-294] which authorized Mimic on Arbitrum for more information on the particulars of v2, as well as [BIP-115] for the original development plan.

Given the success of the fee processing automation program, we propose to further authorize the Mimic smart vault v3 on Arbitrum, Polygon and Gnosis. Permissions of the currently in use smart vault v2 will be revoked once smart vault v3 fee processing is fully operational.



The DAO Multisig on Arbitrum 0xaF23DC5983230E9eEAf93280e312e57539D098D0 will interact with the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 and call grantRole with the following arguments:

role: 0x93b1b7dba9fb074b573d5edb3c983e0490a00925f709289485f0c75988e100cf

which corresponds to the role for calling withdrawCollectedFees on the ProtocolFeeWithdrawer on Arbitrum, verifiable here.

account: 0x9e5D6427D2cdaDC68870197b099C2Df535Ec3c97

which is the contract address for the Mimic smart vault on Arbitrum.


The DAO Multisig on Polygon 0xeE071f4B516F69a1603dA393CdE8e76C40E5Be85 will interact with the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 and call grantRole with the following arguments:

role: 0x25995e0bfb9b837ed9e3ed24df7d42689be47c45073cc1953bb0836b292faa13

which corresponds to the role for calling withdrawCollectedFees on the ProtocolFeeWithdrawer on Polygon, verifiable here.

account: 0x9e5D6427D2cdaDC68870197b099C2Df535Ec3c97

which is the contract address for the Mimic smart vault on Polygon.


The DAO Multisig on Gnosis 0x2a5AEcE0bb9EfFD7608213AE1745873385515c18 will interact with the Authorizer 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 and call grantRole with the following arguments:

role: 0xf6c9a5b5acca77f76aed5abd6f810c52c3ff5f4a8a40ee9e1bc09f85795e73da

which corresponds to the role for calling withdrawCollectedFees on the ProtocolFeeWithdrawer on Gnosis, verifiable here.

account: 0x9e5D6427D2cdaDC68870197b099C2Df535Ec3c97

which is the contract address for the Mimic smart vault on Gnosis.

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