[BIP-448] Delegate DAO Grant ARB to LM Multisig

Payload with PR


The Balancer DAO Multisig and Balancer LM Multisig should delegate their ARB balances to the LM Multisig. This will permit the Balancer Maxis to vote in the ARB ecosystem on behalf of the DAO. The goal is to strengthen ties with all parties in the Arbitrum ecosystem, and drive governance in a positive way for the Arbitrum ecosystem.


Balancer is doubling down on the Arbitrum ecosystem in many ways, one of the most obvious being the application for a grant from the Arbitrum Short Term Incentives Program. To further align with the ecosystem the Balancer DAO should become and active participant in Arbitrum governance and support future votes made that affect the network we have so much stake in. This will strengthen ties with Arbitrum, as well as any partners which are acting in a responsible way on the network. Balancer as a blue chip brings nuance to all governance forums it participates in, and this one makes sense to be in our scope.


Part 1: The DAO Multisig on Arbitrum 0xaF23DC5983230E9eEAf93280e312e57539D098D0 will interact with the ARB token contract 0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548 by writing the delegate function passing the address 0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860. This will delegate the total ARB Balancer to the LM Multisig.

Part 1 Simulation

Part 2: The LM Multisig on Arbitrum 0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 will interact with the ARB token contract 0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548 by writing the delegate function passing the address 0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860. This will delegate the total ARB Balancer to the LM Multisig.

Part 2 Simulation


Thanks for putting this proposal together @ZenDragon. Arguably, we should’ve done this ages ago. :slight_smile:

