Aura Delegate Thread

[BIP-418] Enable USDF - USDC Gauge [Arbitrum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: The protocol (Fractal) operates tokenized lending pools (starting with USDF) from which assets are lent to borrower subaccounts.This proposal seeks a gauge for their balancer pool, which is intended to become the primary liquidity venue for USDF.

[BIP-419] Kill Duplicate BRZ/jBRL Gauge [Polygon]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: BRZ/jBRL has recently moved to a new pool and gauge and this proposal is to kill the old one.

[BIP-420] Refund Voting Incentives for Pools Shut Down Due to Bug Report

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal aimed to create a gauge for ELFI/WETH. The intention is for this pool to be the primary source of liquidity for ELFI.

[BIP-421] Enable DOLA-USDC StablePool Gauge [Optimism]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This is a refund to protocols that were affected by the bug on Balancer pools. The total is 19.6k in USDC.

[BIP-422] Wire up Weighted Pool Permissions on Avalanche

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Permissions on Avalanche have been granted in two previous BIPs, 353 and 318, and this asks for what is left to finish the configuration.

[BIP-423] Enable new wstETH gauges [Gnosis Chain]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal asks for gauge creation on 4 wstETH pools to maximise capital efficiency in the Gnosis Chain.

[BIP-424] Add Initial Avalanche & Base Gauges

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: The purpose of this proposal is to kickstart gauge emissions on the new chains.Gauges being active on Avalanche and Base will allow Balancer to bootstrap liquidity and get the players on the networks involved in veBAL.

[BIP-425] Enable 80T-20TBTC Gauge [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal aims to add a veBAL gauge for the Balancer 80/20 T/tBTC pool on Ethereum.Threshold DAO seeks to consolidate deep liquidity on Mainnet,and has budgeted T tokens to incentivise this pool

[BIP-426] Enable ALTR-WETH Gauge [Ethereum] with 2% emission cap

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Alternity is a decentralized protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, inspired by the design of the Liquity Protocol. This proposal seeks to create the main point of liquidity for ALTR and the protocol will incentivize the pool.

[BIP-427] Enable USDC-USDT-DAI-USDC.e stable pool gauge [optimism]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This proposal wants a gauge for a 4-pool (bridged USDC, native USDC, USDT and DAI). The goal is to build this pool to be the main stablecoin liquidity on Balancer / Beethoven X on optimism, and hope to bootstrap its liquidity using the gauge.

[BIP-428] Create a uniETH - wstETH - rETH Composable Stable Pool [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Bedrock’s native tokenized version is uniETH. Balancer will serve as the main liquidity for the uniETH-wstETH-rETH 3 token pool and will benefit

[BIP-429] Adjust Arbitrum Airdrop Co-incentives Program(BIP-322) Distribution

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This BIP proposes to change the current distribution of incentives to align with the program and automation proposed in the grant received.

[BIP-430] Enable Layer Zero Cross Chain Boosts on Base

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: With the recent move to enable the first wave of gauges on Base, it makes sense for cross-chain boosts to be active on the network. This proposal sets the parameters to do that.