Aura Delegate Thread

[BIP-96] Enable palStkAAVE/AAVE 80/20 Gauge w/ 2% emissions cap [Ethereum]

Vote: Yes, Let’s do it.

Rationale: Aura has had some excellent and open dialogue with Paladin and we support what they are seeking to build here.

[BIP-97] Enable IB/rETH 50/50 Gauge w/2% emissions cap[Optimism]

Vote: Yes, Let’s do it.

Rationale: As the OP ecosystem continues to grow this pool looks to be beneficial for both Iron Bank and for Balancer.

[BIP-98] Fjord (Formerly Copper) and Balancer Exclusive Partnership

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: Aura Finance does not have a strong opinion on this proposal but does not wish to oppose it.

[BIP-99] Pay DAO Multisig Stipends for H2 ‘22

Vote: Yes, Let’s do it

Rationale: They have been doing an admirable job and are well deserving of their stipends

[BIP-100] Allocate BAL Liquidity to Silo Finance

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: The Aura delegate council has chosen not to vote on this proposal.

[BIP-101] Enable tetuQi/QI Stable Pool Gauge with 2% emissions cap (Polygon)

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: It is worth pausing here to explain the Abstain position Aura has taken on a few proposals. The Aura delegate council has put a considerable amount of time in to discussing the merits of a number of proposals that are not on Ethereum. With Aura being solely deployed on ETH currently it is difficult to see how any of the gauges on other chains will bring value to what Aura is building on Ethereum. To that end, rather than voting no across a series of proposals, Aura will generally choose to abstain from voting on matters that it does not wholeheartedly support but does not wish to actively oppose. This is not a rigid response to all votes on other gauges and the Aura delegate council will continue to consider every proposal on its individual merits. This same logic can be applied to some other Balancer proposals where Aura Finance does not have a core interest.

[BIP-102] Enable the THX/stMATIC Gauge on Polygon with 2% cap

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: as per BIP 101

[BIP-103] Karpatkey Balancer Treasury CU Proposal Update

Vote: Yes, lets do it

Rationale: Putting the Balancer treasury to work does have some risk but this plan appears to do an admirable job of mitigating the risk and promoting the long term health of the Balancer ecosystem.