[RFC] Allocate Balancer's 3M ARB

This looks good to us, brother–adds more depth w/o influencing efficiency too much. We support your approach and support this proposal.


gm frens, yieldohmie here - party of the Olympus DAO Treasury Team :slight_smile:

We are also very excited about Balancer and the expansion to Arbitrum.

We have recently published our own OHM bridge built on LayerZero and now have 5m worth of native $OHM liquidity deployed on Balancer - Arbitrum.

Love the proposal, we are looking into it and would love to participate in the near future :innocent:


it would be great if OHM could consider pool designs like OHM/bbaUSD or OHM/bb-a-USDC if you want to limit exposure to only USDC.

and OHM/wstETH or OHM/[wstETH/bbaweth BPT]. As long as you pay the yield fee this pool would receive bribes from BIP-19 and thus ARB emissions without OHM having to bribe at all (though you could for extra free money of course).


@solarcurve @phijifry We have completed our review of the AuraArbBalGrant contract, which can be seen below:

While it achieves the basic functionality outlined in this thread. We’ve discovered a few vulnerabilities, mainly relating to price impact when joining or exiting the pool. Our full review provides a detailed explanation of all our findings. Let me know if you have any questions.