[RFC] Allocate Balancer's 3M ARB

Hi guys, dev from Aura here. We’ve finalized a new contract based on the previous one used for BIP-252. This contract is designed to facilitate Balancer and Aura’s participation in an ARB/BAL/AURA pool.

  • The contract can be deployed prior to the Aura’s deployment on Arbitrum and initialized at a later stage. This allows us to proceed with the voting process while ensuring that the implementation is confirmed and ready.
  • Once the contract is deployed and initialized, it will provide the ability to join the ARB/BAL/AURA pool.
  • When either party involved decides to wind down the position, they can trigger a cooldown period. This cooldown period will last for 60 days, providing sufficient time for an orderly exit from the pool.
  • After the 60-day cooldown period has elapsed, the pool can be exited, and the remaining balance can be returned to the participants. Balancer will be responsible for providing the minimum out values and calling exit.
  • Balancer will receive all the ARB and BAL tokens, while Aura will receive all the AURA tokens.

We believe that this new contract proposal addresses the requirements and concerns raised during the previous discussions. It provides a clear framework for participation, winding down, and asset allocation, ensuring a smooth and transparent process for all participants.

View AuraArbBalGrant.sol contract

Look forward to hearing everybody’s feedback and input on this.