[Proposal] stopping the BAL for Gas Initiative


The BAL for Gas initiative was introduced as a measure to entice and help users interested in trading ERC-20 tokens through the Balancer trading platform.

The introduction of the Gnosis partnership, however, will allow users to trade without requiring ETH for gas, so the gas reimbursement program becomes obsolete.

The initial proposal by @rabmarut can be found here
The V2 Bal for Gas proposal by @rabmarut can be found here

Core Proposal

Given the conditions outlined above, I propose stopping this initiative with immediate effect.

Risk Assessment

The halting of this program might result in a reduction in trading activity, from those first-time users not familiar with Balancer inner mechanisms (claiming function and Gnosis).

Open Questions

  • This proposal does not impact the general long term vision of the protocol

  • This proposal does not require funding


It was a good program but Gnosis is a much nicer solution. Support this


I agree the program served its purpose however there is a gasless solution for those users concerned about always carrying a “high” balance of ETH for swapping purposes.

Additionally cutting this emission will help reduce inflationary effects on BAL. Small yes, but anything helps.


Solid and logical proposal - excited about the Gnosis integration :slight_smile:

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