[BIP-772] Enable Boosted GHO/PYUSD on Balancer v3

PR with Payload


This publication proposes creating a new gauge for the Boosted GHO/PYUSD Pool on Ethereum.

This pool is to be considered “core pool”, meaning the protocol fees earned by these pool would be used to bribe for votes on it.


With both Buffer Pools adequately funded, this publication proposes enabling the gauge.

Balancer v3 - Boosted GHO / PYUSD

Each asset is deployed into Aave v3 to earn yield.

  • GHO into Aave Prime
  • PYUSD into Aave Core

The PYUSD deposits into the Core instance of Aave v3 will benefit from the ongoing liquidity mining program with 4.00% yield being provided until a target of 75M in deposits is achieved.

Details relating to GHO and PYUSD specifically are well documented in previous gauge submissions.


Enable Gauge

The Balancer Maxi LM Multisig 0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 will interact with the GaugeAdderv4 at 0x5DbAd78818D4c8958EfF2d5b95b28385A22113Cd and call the addGauge function with the following arguments based on the table above:

Pool address: 0x64B84023CfE8397dF83C67eACCC2C03ecDA4aeE5
Gauge(address): 0x6C0a4550C575C917435F228D36939125A437a98b
Rate Providers: 0x851b73c4BFd5275D47FFf082F9e8B4997dCCB253
GaugeType(string): Ethereum


TokenLogic does not receive any payment for this proposal.


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