[BIP-623] Enable gauge for weETH / wstETH E-CLP (Arbitrum)

PR with Payload


This is a proposal to enable one uncapped Balancer gauge for a weETH/ wstETH E-CLP on Arbitrum.

E-CLP’s asymmetric concentrated liquidity profile offers capital efficiency improvements. As per previous arrangements between Balancer and Gnosis this pool shall not bear any protocol fees for the time being.

References/Useful links

Protocol description

ether.fi is a decentralized, non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Ethereum, allowing users to stake their ETH and participate in the DeFi ecosystem without losing liquidity. The protocols eETH is a liquid restaking token (weETH is the non-rebasing equivalent), serving as a representation of ETH staked on the Beacon Chain, which rebases daily to reflect the associated staking rewards. Users can deposit ETH into the liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet to mint eETH, hold eETH to accrue rewards, and use eETH within DeFi or swap it back to ETH at any time via the liquidity pool. The protocol currently employs a permissioned validator set, however this will transition to permisionless based on the protocol roadmap.

ETH staked through the ether.fi liquidity pool accrues normal Ethereum staking rewards, and will also be natively restaked with EigenLayer. Staking with eETH on ether.fi automatically natively restakes that ETH to EigenLayer and accrues normal staking rewards while allowing users to keep composability on their eETH in other DeFi protocols.


Develop additional liquidity for weETH on Arbitrum.



The Gyroscope Protocol will be governed by a DAO and relevant stakeholder with the full launch on Ethereum. For now, the FTL Labs multi-sig can pause the pool, change the swap fee and set the protocol fee. As a custom pool by Gyroscope, the E-CLP will be controlled by Gyroscope governance upon its launch.



Audit reports by Nethermind, Trail of Bits, and Runtime Verification can be accessed here (the E-CLP is called the “CEMM” in these reports). In addition, the E-CLP code has been live in production on Polygon since November 2022.

Centralization vectors

No centralization vectors. The FTL Labs team’s multi-sig can - currently - pause the pool, change the swap fee and set the protocol fee.

Market History

The Gyroscope Protocol is live on Ethereum since EOY23, with E-CLPs on several other chains. Details available here .


As per “Motivation”.



Transaction: The Balancer Maxi LM Multisig eth:0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 will interact with the gaugeAdderv4 at 0x5DbAd78818D4c8958EfF2d5b95b28385A22113Cd and call the addGauge function with the following arguments:

gauge(address): 0xE6a0FD593e6beca161D0D933b4Fb4fecaF49d46a
gaugeType(string): Arbitrum
