[BIP-617] Request for BAL to reward UI beta testers

PR with Payload

Beta UI Test Rewards


  • OpCo is ready to begin beta testing a new and improved Balancer UI. We’re calling this Project Zen.
  • We would also like to take the opportunity to invite old friends, community leaders, and partners to be part of the process of bringing the next iteration of Balancer to life/market.
  • This BIP requests 1000 BAL to reward Beta Testers in a closed beta through Coordinape.
  • The Beta test will consist of under 250 users, selected by various SPs and partners.


The current V2 Balancer UI has served the Protocol and its users well for over 3 years, however, as Balancer has expanded cross-chain, its approach to segregated chain handling has made it feel dated and creates difficulties in understanding the entire protocol. Further, support for the upcoming release of Balancer V3 required a total refactor of transaction flows, and the ability to handle pools on 2 different sets of contracts.

OpCo has been working over the last year to get this new UI ready and now we are looking to collect and implement user feedback before the official launch.

The last few months at Balancer have been somewhat inward-focused. We have been hyper-focussed on v3 and so our community engagement has been lacking. Therefore, we would love to invite our old friends to come back, help us bring some new DeFi tooling to market, and help us create a tribe that can go forth and help “the world” understand the next stage of Balancer’s progress as it begins to roll out.

Beta slot allocation

Builders on Balancer

Each of the following Builders on Balancer will receive slots in the beta:

  • Gyro (25 slots)
  • Gnosis/Karpatkey (25 slots)
  • Xave (5 slots)

Service Providers

Each of the following SPs will receive 30 slots in the Beta:

  • BeethovenX (30 slots)
  • OpCo (30 slots)
  • Balancer Labs (30 slots)
  • Balancer Maxis (30 slots)
  • Balancer BD (30 slots)

Ecosystem Participants

Each of the following key ecosystem partners will be given beta slots to allocate:

  • Aura (20 slots)
  • Hiddenhand (redacted) (5 slots)
  • Paladin (5 slots)
  • Beefy (5 slots)

Following 2 weeks of active beta testing, the program may be opened up by OpCo based on their needs and learnings from the Beta Test so far.

We would ask partners to work to invite whoever they would like to take part as quickly as possible and let us know if there are free slots.

Reward allocation and payout

1000 BAL will be transferred from the treasury to the LM multisig on Mainnet. Coordinape will be used to record contributions and their relative value to the OpCo Devs. Following the conclusion of the program, which will run no longer than 60 days, BAL will be airdropped based on signalling from coordinape GIVE allocation.

Technical Specification

The Balancer DAO multisig 0x10A19e7eE7d7F8a52822f6817de8ea18204F2e4f will interact with BAL 0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3d by writing transfer passing the LM Multisig on mainnet0xc38c5f97B34E175FFd35407fc91a937300E33860 as recipient and amount for 1000 BAL as 1000000000000000000000.


Really cool initiative! In full support!



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