[BIP-352] Funding Proposal for the Integrations Team (Three Rocks)

First, this looks like a well thought out proposal. Glad to see the integrations team made it well through this restructuring.

I’m reasonably certain that the Maxi’s are the primary/only user of balpy. In cases where we are not the user, we’re in direct contact/advising those who do in almost every case.

We’ve been working a lot to build tooling in both Python and Javascript, and have started also building libraries to handle looking up information about addresses and action_ids in the Balancer Ecosystem.

It would be great together to move balpy and much of the off-chain tooling into some state of mutual support/development between the integrations team who have a lot more available senior dev time, and the Maxis who are using/building this stuff on a daily bases. The Maxis have a very deep understanding of requirements and scope as well as UX considerations around various operations and tooling.

One great example of this is adding new chains. It would be best, if we could make one update to a source of truth and have all our tooling be aware of and able to operate on a new chain we decided to deploy on. Right now we update our address book, and have to make a few patches in other scripts. We’re working to eliminate the need for these extra changes.

Then if we want to use balpy, it’s another reasonable change that looks quite different from all the other changes we made. These get made in forked repos, and the changes are either never submitted back to fork, or likely not accepted because they don’t match the current coding styles/patterns of balpy. Maxi’s work in timeframes that are often days not weeks, so it’s good to be able to extend things in expected ways “system-wide” without having to wait for resources to change/review various repos around the ecosystem.

I think we’ll get more bang for our buck working together to build/connect tooling to our partners than we will trying to find ways to track usage after the fact by packing some sort of tagging into the these tools generate.

Look forward to working together on this over the coming months :slight_smile:

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