[BIP-1] Operating Framework for Balancer DAO

I think the accountability mechanisms could be expanded upon. The way its laid out now it looks like an SP can do whatever they want as long they hold monthly meetings and post a summary. Sure, someone can put up a vote to stop future funding, but if they already received months of funding in advance, the damage has already been done.

How can we ensure that SP’s are held accountable for deliverables? I’ve seen way too many situations in defi where SP-like entities end up burning through money incredibly fast with very little to show for it, and no one says anything until its too late. What protection does the DAO have against SP’s that assure us they can execute on a plan on time and budget but fail to do so? I expect some SP’s to be asking for double digit percentages of our treasury so we need to be extremely careful, we don’t have much margin for error.

I would like to see incentives aligned between Balancer DAO and the Service Providers so that the more success SP’s bring to Balancer, the more SP’s benefit i.e. KPI based payments. Maybe this aspect is better decided on a case by case basis though.

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