Observations on the current state of Balancer

I’ve really appreciated reading these observations as well as the discussion on Balancer’s Primary Objective.

It speaks to the strength of this community that these questions are being raised and discussed openly.

For the sake of accuracy, I want to clarify that BLabs is fine to express a view on this - in fact, we are actively working to communicate our thoughts - and receive your feedback - on the current state and the future strategy of Balancer. However, we first needed to understand what role BLabs should play in the larger community.

As first movers, creators, and an organized participant of the protocol, Balancer Labs has a higher level of responsibility not to abuse its influence and instead to appropriately steward this influence in alignment with the community’s decisions.

This is the reason why our primary objective is to support and elevate all active participants in the Balancer ecosystem. To that end, we hired Marta who revamped Discord, started monthly town halls, is expanding Balancer’s presence in Asia-Pacific, and dramatically improved the structure of the baller program.

All this was being done while V2 was launched, the BLabs team doubled in size, and we completed token purchase agreements to ensure continued operations.

Where I believe we have fallen short is in providing consistent communication about what BLabs is thinking and what we are working on. My commitment is to improve our communication since I believe that being informed is crucial to ensuring this community is supported.

Thank you for raising and discussing this @Andrea81, @bakamoto20, and all the community who continues to contribute to the success of the Balancer Protocol.