Concerns about shezmu guage

@manawenuz thanks a lot for bringing this to the community’s attention.

To make a better assessment of the situation, here are the current Shezmu gauge vote specs and pools that receive BAL rewards

Network Pool TVL ($) Daily BAL rewards
Ethereum shezUSD:sDAI 1.05mln 113.18
Ethereum shezETH:wstETH 786k 104.53

What is worth noting is that both pools have very low native token (shezUSD and shezETH) liquidity.

As a general reminder, pools are marked as core pools if 50% of their assets are yield-bearing and exceed $100k in TVL of which both pools are eligible to. The core pool list is generated weekly automatically through the Maxis operations tooling.

@Shezmu could you provide some context to the concerns raised by @manawenuz ?

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