BAL Whitelist - Round 15

On behalf of the Balancer community, I’d like to propose the following modifications to the token whitelist used for BAL governance distribution. As a reminder, these whitelist proposals are now pre-approved on objective technical criteria only, so they are not subject to community vote. All new tokens will be placed at cap1 for liquidity mining, meaning each token’s measured BAL-eligible liquidity is scaled to a maximum of $1M (at time of writing). At any time, community members may propose to increase a token’s cap to the next tier. For reference, please see the previous proposals which detail the motivation for creation of the whitelist and define the list of tokens used to date:

Proposed Modifications

Two tokens are migrating to new contracts. I would like to propose modifying the existing whitelist entries for these tokens such that they point to the new contracts. This means the old contracts are no longer incentivized, and the new contracts inherit the cap tiers specified for the previous contracts:

    MIGRATE	ALEPH		0xC0134b5B924c2FCA106eFB33C45446c466FBe03e	->	0x27702a26126e0B3702af63Ee09aC4d1A084EF628
    MIGRATE	LEND->AAVE	0x80fB784B7eD66730e8b1DBd9820aFD29931aab03	->	0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9

I would also like to propose adding the following new tokens to the whitelist:

    ADD		ECOREAL		0xb052F8A33D8bb068414EaDE06AF6955199f9f010
    ADD		GIV			0xf6537FE0df7F0Cc0985Cf00792CC98249E73EFa0
    ADD		HTRE		0xDea67845A51E24461D5fED8084E69B426AF3D5Db
    ADD		KIWI		0x2BF91c18Cd4AE9C2f2858ef9FE518180F7B5096D
    ADD		LBA			0xfe5F141Bf94fE84bC28deD0AB966c16B17490657
    ADD		mbBASED		0x26cF82e4aE43D31eA51e72B663d26e26a75AF729
    ADD		nTrump		0x44Ea84a85616F8e9cD719Fc843DE31D852ad7240
    ADD		renBCH		0x459086F2376525BdCebA5bDDA135e4E9d3FeF5bf
    ADD		renZEC		0x1C5db575E2Ff833E46a2E9864C22F4B22E0B37C2
    ADD		SMDX		0x7e8539D1E5cB91d63E46B8e188403b3f262a949B
    ADD		YAX			0xb1dC9124c395c1e97773ab855d66E879f053A289
    ADD		yTrump		0x3af375d9f77Ddd4F16F86A5D51a9386b7B4493Fa

The proposed changes will go into effect at 00:00 UTC on Monday, October 5. Pools containing whitelisted tokens will begin to accrue BAL rewards beginning at 00:00 UTC on Monday; but they may not appear on the Balancer pools UI with symbol/logo until a bit later in the week, most likely Tuesday or Wednesday. Please be patient. Furthermore, whitelisted tokens will not be added to the Balancer exchange UI; the core team adds tokens to the official exchange UI at their own discretion and considers a variety of factors. Tokens can always be traded using contract addresses in place of symbols, and anyone is free to fork the open source exchange UI to add more symbols.

Resulting Soft/Hard Pegs

There are no new price pegs introduced this week.


The following token lacks a price feed through the CoinGecko API, which violates Whitelist Criterion #7: The token must have a price feed accessible via CoinGecko’s API. This is instrumental to calculating a pool’s eligibility for BAL rewards. If a token meets all of the remaining criteria but not this criterion, it can be added to the UI whitelist and reconsidered for the mining whitelist once the price feed becomes available.

    NO PRICE FEED		FUD		0x2688213fEDd489762a281a67Ae4F2295D8E17ECc
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